Review Request: JDK-7142921, (fs) Files.probeContentType reports a MIME type of "text/plain" on Ubuntu 11.04
Zhong Yu
zhong.j.yu at
Tue Nov 27 07:20:51 PST 2012
I wish MimeTypesFileTypeDetector is a public utility class, so that an
applications can use it directly against a fixed "mime.types" file.
Some applications couldn't care less about what OS thinks about file
types, since the applications are supposed to be OS-independent. They
need predictable and stable file type mapping.
(Of course, they can always implement their own MimeTypesFileTypeDetectors)
On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 8:35 AM, Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at> wrote:
> On 27/11/2012 00:53, Dan Xu wrote:
> Hi,
> I have added a comment to UnixFileSystemProvider.chain and remove its
> "protected" keyword. The new webrev is at,
> Thanks!
> -Dan
> I found time to do a very quick pass over
> In terms of diagnosability then I think it would be hard for developers to
> understand how the file type is obtained when there are so many ways to do.
> To that end it's probably best if MimeTypesFileTypeDetector didn't uses
> META-INF/mimetypes.default, that resource file is included in rt.jar because
> it is used by the Java Activation Framework, itself used by JAX-WS and is
> essentially invisible to users.
> On ~/.mime.types then we have choice, use it as a fallback in
> MimeTypesFileTypeDetector so let the provider create two
> MimeTypesFileTypeDetector instances, one for the system mime.types files,
> one for the user file. I don't have a preference but the latter would make
> the FileTypeDetector a bit simpler.
> In the implProbeContentType method it only support UnixPath but this
> FileTypeDetector should be independent of the Path type.
> It looks like it tries a case-insensitive search after a case-sensitive
> search but file extensions are case sensitive on Solaris and Linux, I
> realize this will need special handing on Mac.
> loadFile/parse are a bit messy in that try-with-resources is being combined
> with an explicit call to close. Given that the mime.types file is likely to
> be quite small then a possible choice is Files.readAllLines and that would
> save you some of this.
> That's all I have for now.
> -Alan
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