8028792: (ch) Channels native code needs to be checked for methods calling JNI with pending excepitons

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Mon Feb 3 00:29:14 PST 2014

On 03/02/2014 08:21, Volker Simonis wrote:
> :
> Hi Alan,
> thanks a lot for taking care of the AIX file as well. I think the 
> changes are OK, but for all cases I'll do test build tomorrow and let 
> you know.
> You're also right that we can make the init method void and I'd 
> appreciate it if you could add that to your change in order to align 
> the different platform implementations.
Will do.

> One other thing I'd like to suggest is to use a uniform usage pattern 
> of the CHECK macros on all platform. While slightly more verbose, 
> I'd personally prefer the pattern currently used in the 
> Windows/Unix/AIX files where the macros are on a separate line and 
> check the value of the class members:
I deliberated just put the CHECK_NULL around each because it is neater. 
Is this a big deal? There aren't other macros involved so it shouldn't 
be too complicated.


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