Files.newDirectoryStream(Path, LinkOption...)

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Thu Feb 20 00:39:34 PST 2014

On 20/02/2014 05:13, Martin Buchholz wrote:
> Anyways, recursive directory deletes is a perennial request.  Every OS 
> since DOS 1.0 has provided a way to do it, and the missing 
> functionality in Java should be provided someday (jdk9?).  Whether as 
> a wrapper around SecureDirectoryStream or as a completely native 
> implementation.
I'd like add a small number of recursive operations to Files (copy and 
delete mostly). Doing recursive delete in safe manner is problematic, 
especially when there isn't the underlying support on all platforms. It 
will never be possible to satisfy all needs of course so there will 
always cases where you need to use walkFileTree (or the newer streamy 
find and walk).


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