RFR: 8221397 Support implementation-defined Map Modes

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Fri Apr 5 09:47:33 UTC 2019

On 05/04/2019 10:24, Andrew Dinn wrote:
> :
> Sorry, I am afraid I don't understand what you mean by "The package
> description has a catch-all for NPE so you need to specify that in each
> method."
> What is the "package description"?
package-info.java has the package description. Near the end you should 
see the statement "Unless otherwise noted, passing a null ...".   There 
are several areas of API that have statements like this to avoid 
cluttering the javadoc of every constructor/method that can throw NPE 
when invokes with a null argument. So this is why you don't see "@throws 
NullPointerException" here.


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