8221252: (sc) SocketChannel and its socket adaptor need to handle connection reset

Brian Burkhalter brian.burkhalter at oracle.com
Fri Mar 22 15:15:34 UTC 2019

> On Mar 22, 2019, at 3:44 AM, Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at oracle.com> wrote:
>> * Copyright year needs to be updated in IOStatus, UnixAsynchronousSocketChannelImpl, and SctpChannelImpl.
> Will do (although we should really automate this or update in bulk on a regular basis).


>> * ConnectionReset test:
>> — Maybe interchange lines 32 and 33.
>> — I suppose the println() calls which are the first statements in the test methods could be removed.
> They are helpful in the test output as TestNG prints the status at the end of the test and sometimes not obvious where the start is. Some people like to use @BeforeTest to print the test name but that leads to additional output that I don't think can be suppresed.

I see.

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