Seeking inputs on 8224794: ZipFile/JarFile should open zip/JAR file with FILE_SHARE_DELETE sharing mode on Windows

Jaikiran Pai jai.forums2013 at
Thu Feb 10 13:27:42 UTC 2022

Thank you Daniel for your inputs. I'll stop any further 
investigation/work on this one and update the JBS issue with the details 
of the investigation so far.


On 04/02/22 10:55 pm, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
> Hi Jaikiran,
> Thanks for working on this and apologies for the long silence.
> I believe your analysis of the issue is very valuable.
> Unless there is some clever trick we could do to allow to unlink
> the file from the file system before deleting it, so that the file
> path can be reused, it seems indeed that using FILE_SHARE_DELETE
> doesn't buy us much benefit.
> It is a pity, but IMO it was well worth the investigation.
> Unless others on this list disagree, or can suggest other tricks,
> I would suggest shelving this work for now.
> best regards,
> -- daniel
> On 18/12/2021 06:00, Jaikiran Pai wrote:
>> Would there be interest in moving this forward? Enabling that 
>> FILE_SHARE_DELETE option has opened up some questions that I noted in 
>> my previous mail below. So in order to move forward I would need some 
>> inputs. If we don't want to do this at this time, I'll close the 
>> draft PR that's currently open
>> -Jaikiran

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