Fwd: Thread interruption while reading from a ZipFS entry will close the entire FS

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Mon Apr 22 06:20:32 UTC 2024

On 19/04/2024 22:46, Bruno Ploumhans wrote:
> Would the same hold say for a file that is accessed via the network?
> Maybe in those cases the file access is actually a network operation
> in disguise.
It might although the user of the API or the implementation may have no 
knowledge that the file is "remote".

>> The discussion is focused on FileChannel as it is somewhat questionable whether it should have been an InterruptibleChannel in the first place.
> It sounds questionable, yes. Is this something that can be changed now?
The discussion that I linked to didn't go very far, it would need energy 
to try to move it forward, more likely as an option when opening a file.

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