[REVIEW] Service and Task enhancements

Richard Bair richard.bair at oracle.com
Fri Dec 23 08:52:10 PST 2011

I've updated the issue with the diff. I think I have this all sorted now and will be putting it back today. What I have done is:

	- Added protected methods to Service and Task, such that an implementation of Service or Task can get notified of state changes without having to add a listener
	- Added onReady, onScheduled, onRunning, onFailed, onCancelled, onSucceeded event handlers to Service. I added the same to Task, except no onReady (since the Task begins in the ready state and it makes no sense to have an event for a state transition which can never happen!).
	- Added a pile of unit tests. We're up to 265 for all the concurrent classes. I refactored them all (spent almost a day on it!) so it should be easier to follow
	- Moved the javafx-concurrent project from closed source to open source

FYI, feature freeze for 2.1 is scheduled for mid January (the 18th I believe), so please take the next weekly build out for a spin and let me know how it rides.


On Dec 20, 2011, at 10:50 PM, Richard Bair wrote:

> http://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-17449?focusedCommentId=99068#comment-99068
> I've posted the proposed enhancements. Please give a look (Dan, I'm looking at you).
> Thanks
> Richard

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