API REVIEW request for RT-19783: Provide an option to allow modal windows to be blocking

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
Wed Apr 11 10:19:46 PDT 2012

> This will break the backwards compat of a stage so I think it is too
> late for such an API.

Right. We need to keep the existing API unmodified. Adding a single 
method is the easiest way to compatibly extend the API and keep the 
ideas of modality separate from whether or not the caller is blocked.

-- Kevin

Tom Schindl wrote:
> Am 11.04.12 18:58, schrieb Jeff McDonald:
>> I put together a truth table of sorts to help me visualize the possible
>> states. It's an ASCII chart so it needs to be viewed using a monspaced font
>> for everything to line up.
>> +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
>>     | Modality.NONE                  | Modality.WINDOW
>>    | Modality.APPLICATION                       |
>>     | initModality(Modality.NONE)    | initModality(Modality.WINDOW_MODAL)
>>    | initModality(Modality.WINDOW_MODAL)        |
>> +-------------------+--------------------------------+----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
>> | un-blocked        | Supported (This is typical)    | Supported
>>                    | Supported                                  |
>> | show()            | 1. initModality(Modality.NONE) | 1.
>> initModality(Modality.WINDOW_MODAL) | 1.
>> initModality(Modality.WINDOW_MODAL)     |
>> |                   | 2. show()                      | 2. show()
>>                    | 2. show()                                  |
>> |                   | or just                        |
>>                    |                                            |
>> |                   | 1. show()                      |
>>                    |                                            |
>> +-------------------+--------------------------------+----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
>> | blocked           | Unsupported                    | Supported
>>                    | Supported                                  |
>> | showAndWait()     | Throws exception               | 1.
>> initModality(Modality.WINDOW_MODAL) | 1.
>> initModality(Modality.APPLICATION_MODAL)|
>> | (proposed)        |                                | 2. showAndWait()
>>                   | 2. showAndWait()                           |
>> +-------------------+--------------------------------+----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
>> I propose the following changes:
>> 1. show() remains the same as it is now.
>> 2. add showWindowModal(boolean wait)
>> 3. add showAppModal(boolean wait)
>> 4. remove initModality()
>> 5. Add Tom's description of "modal" and "blocking" to the JavaDocs. His
>> wording is clear and concise.
>> The justification: The API is clearer and easier to understand because only
>> one method call is required to execute the desired behavior instead of two
>> method calls. The second benefit is that a single method call eliminates
>> the potential of calling the initModality and show() / showAndWait()
>> methods in the incorrect order.
> This will break the backwards compat of a stage so I think it is too
> late for such an API.
> Tom

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