April 2012 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Apr 2 04:03:10 PDT 2012
Ending: Mon Apr 30 18:39:24 PDT 2012
Messages: 463
- Deployment
Tobias Bley (UltraMixer)
- Thoughts on Dialogs and Lightboxes
Artem Ananiev
- API REVIEW request for RT-19783: Provide an option to allow modal windows to be blocking
Artem Ananiev
- Result: New OpenJFX Committer: Alexandre Iline
Artem Ananiev
- Native look and feel documentation?
Artem Ananiev
- Mixing JavaFX with Swing in different windows
Artem Ananiev
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Joe Andresen
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Joe Andresen
- Deployment
Carl Antaki
- Javascript communication and JSObjects
- API REVIEW request for RT-19783: Provide an option to allow modal windows to be blocking
Richard Bair
- API Review Request for RT-17438
Richard Bair
- CSS on javaFX
Richard Bair
- API REVIEW request for RT-17138 Allow promptText on TextArea controls
Richard Bair
- API Review RT-19711: Color.web should parse rgb() and hsl() formats
Richard Bair
- Deployment
Richard Bair
- Deployment
Richard Bair
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Richard Bair
- Beta Builds Not Being Published
Richard Bair
- rectangles
Richard Bair
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Richard Bair
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Richard Bair
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Richard Bair
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Richard Bair
- The BIG picture
Richard Bair
- Handling updates to the JavaFX Caspian look
Richard Bair
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Richard Bair
- API Review request for RT-19375 Pagination UI Control
Richard Bair
- Handling updates to the JavaFX Caspian look
Richard Bair
- API change request for RT-20471/JavaFX 2.2
Richard Bair
- API change request for RT-20471/JavaFX 2.2
Richard Bair
- Review request for RT-20719
Richard Bair
- ComboBox and cell factories
Richard Bair
- [REVIEW REQUEST] Add text property to ComboBox
Richard Bair
- [REVIEW REQUEST] onShowing, onHiding, etc events in ComboBox
Richard Bair
- [REVIEW REQUEST] Add userData property and properties map to TableColumn class
Richard Bair
- API REVIEW request for RT17668 Disable/enable tabs in a TabPane
Richard Bair
- API request: WebEngine settings
Richard Bair
- API Review request for ColorPicker control : RT-19312
Richard Bair
- Capture Audio / Video
Richard Bair
- API Review request for ColorPicker control : RT-19312
Richard Bair
- Network status
Richard Bair
- API REVIEW request for RT-19857 Keeping menu in the Mac menu bar when there is no more stage
Richard Bair
- API REVIEW request for RT-10392: Allow the ellipsis for Labeled to be customizable
Richard Bair
- API Review request for ColorPicker control : RT-19312
Richard Bair
- API REVIEW request for RT-10392: Allow the ellipsis for Labeled to be customizable
Richard Bair
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Vasiliy Baranov
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Vasiliy Baranov
- Maven Build Works
Adam Bien
- CSS on javaFX
Tobias Bley
- using :first-child selector?
Tobias Bley
- Deployment
Greg Brown
- Image class and paths relative to classpath
Greg Brown
- Review request for RT-20719
Greg Brown
- Patch: issue RT-14177
Florian Brunner
- Patch: issue RT-14177
Florian Brunner
- Patch: issue RT-14177
Florian Brunner
- Patch: issue RT-14177
Florian Brunner
- Capture Audio / Video
David DeHaven
- Capture Audio / Video
David DeHaven
- Scope of Image in 2.2? (was: API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node)
Martin Desruisseaux
- Scope of Image in 2.2?
Martin Desruisseaux
- Scope of Image in 2.2?
Martin Desruisseaux
- Scope of Image in 2.2?
Martin Desruisseaux
- Maven Build Works
Tom Eugelink
- API REVIEW request for RT17668 Disable/enable tabs in a TabPane
Tom Eugelink
- CSS on javaFX
Tom Eugelink
- [REVIEW REQUEST] Add text property to ComboBox
Tom Eugelink
- [REVIEW REQUEST] Add text property to ComboBox
Tom Eugelink
- ComboBox and cell factories
Tom Eugelink
- Deployment
Tom Eugelink
- Deployment
Tom Eugelink
- Deployment
Tom Eugelink
- Deployment
Tom Eugelink
- Deployment
Tom Eugelink
- JavaFX runtime redistribution
Tom Eugelink
- JavaFX runtime redistribution
Tom Eugelink
- rectangles
Tom Eugelink
- rectangles
Tom Eugelink
- rectangles
Tom Eugelink
- rectangles
Tom Eugelink
- Image class and paths relative to classpath
Daniel Fuchs
- Image class and paths relative to classpath
Daniel Fuchs
- Thoughts on Dialogs and Lightboxes
Jonathan Giles
- API REVIEW request for RT17668 Disable/enable tabs in a TabPane
Jonathan Giles
- API REVIEW request for RT-17138 Allow promptText on TextArea controls
Jonathan Giles
- [REVIEW REQUEST] Add userData property and properties map to TableColumn class
Jonathan Giles
- [REVIEW REQUEST] Add text property to ComboBox
Jonathan Giles
- ComboBox and cell factories
Jonathan Giles
- ComboBox and cell factories
Jonathan Giles
- [REVIEW REQUEST] Add userData property and properties map to TableColumn class
Jonathan Giles
- API REVIEW request for RT17668 Disable/enable tabs in a TabPane
Jonathan Giles
- [REVIEW REQUEST] Add text property to ComboBox
Jonathan Giles
- Handling updates to the JavaFX Caspian look
Jonathan Giles
- [REVIEW REQUEST] Add userData property and properties map to TableColumn class
Jonathan Giles
- API REVIEW request for RT17668 Disable/enable tabs in a TabPane
Jonathan Giles
- Handling updates to the JavaFX Caspian look
Jonathan Giles
- [REVIEW REQUEST] onShowing, onHiding, etc events in ComboBox
Jonathan Giles
- API Review request for RT-19375 Pagination UI Control
Jonathan Giles
- Handling updates to the JavaFX Caspian look
Jonathan Giles
- [REVIEW REQUEST] onShowing, onHiding, etc events in ComboBox
Jonathan Giles
- Handling updates to the JavaFX Caspian look
Jonathan Giles
- Handling updates to the JavaFX Caspian look
Jonathan Giles
- Handling updates to the JavaFX Caspian look
Jonathan Giles
- API Review request for ColorPicker control : RT-19312
Jonathan Giles
- Color and Gradient animations
Jim Graham
- API Review RT-19711: Color.web should parse rgb() and hsl() formats
Jim Graham
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Jim Graham
- Scope of Image in 2.2?
Jim Graham
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Jim Graham
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Jim Graham
- Scope of Image in 2.2?
Jim Graham
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Jim Graham
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Jim Graham
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Jim Graham
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Jim Graham
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Jim Graham
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Jim Graham
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Jim Graham
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Jim Graham
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Jim Graham
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Jim Graham
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Jim Graham
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Jim Graham
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Jim Graham
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Jim Graham
- Scope of Image in 2.2?
Jim Graham
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Michael Heinrichs
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Michael Heinrichs
- help
Alexandre (Shura) Iline
- Source Code for FXCanvas (SWT) ?
Rainer Lang
- CSS on javaFX
Werner Lehmann
- [REVIEW REQUEST] Add text property to ComboBox
Werner Lehmann
- ComboBox and cell factories
Werner Lehmann
- Image class and paths relative to classpath
Werner Lehmann
- Deployment
Werner Lehmann
- Image class and paths relative to classpath
Werner Lehmann
- Createing ContextMenu outside of FX thread
Werner Lehmann
- Createing ContextMenu outside of FX thread
Werner Lehmann
- How to convert IconImage to Image?
Werner Lehmann
- How to convert IconImage to Image?
Werner Lehmann
- API change RT-19955: Configuring a PopupWindow so that it consumes the event used for hiding
Werner Lehmann
- Beta Builds Not Being Published
Nicolas Lorain
- JavaFX runtime redistribution
Nicolas Lorain
- Mixing JavaFX with Swing in different windows
Josh Marinacci
- JavaFX runtime redistribution
Josh Marinacci
- Color and Gradient animations
Jeff Martin
- Deployment
Jeff Martin
- Deployment
Jeff Martin
- Mixing JavaFX with Swing in different windows
Jeff Martin
- Mixing JavaFX with Swing in different windows
Jeff Martin
- Mixing JavaFX with Swing in different windows
Jeff Martin
- Multiple-click events
Jeff Martin
- API REVIEW request for RT-19783: Provide an option to allow modal windows to be blocking
Jeff McDonald
- API REVIEW request for RT-19783: Provide an option to allow modal windows to be blocking
Jeff McDonald
- API REVIEW request for RT-19783: Provide an option to allow modal windows to be blocking
Jeff McDonald
- API REVIEW request for RT-19783: Provide an option to allow modal windows to be blocking
Jeff McDonald
- API REVIEW request for RT-19783: Provide an option to allow modal windows to be blocking
Jeff McDonald
- API Review Request for RT-17438
Jeff McDonald
- API Review Request for RT-17438
Jeff McDonald
- Beta Builds Not Being Published
Jeff McDonald
- Beta Builds Not Being Published
Jeff McDonald
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Jeff McDonald
- [REVIEW REQUEST] onShowing, onHiding, etc events in ComboBox
Jeff McDonald
- API Review request for RT-19375 Pagination UI Control
Jeff McDonald
- API Review request for ColorPicker control : RT-19312
Jeff McDonald
- Deployment Opportunities
Joe McGlynn
- Network status
Joe McGlynn
- Deployment
Igor Nekrestyanov
- Deployment
Igor Nekrestyanov
- Deployment
Igor Nekrestyanov
- Deployment
Igor Nekrestyanov
- Deployment - web based install
Igor Nekrestyanov
- Deployment
Igor Nekrestyanov
- API change RT-19955: Configuring a PopupWindow so that it consumes the event used for hiding
Lubomir Nerad
- API change RT-19955: Configuring a PopupWindow so that it consumes the event used for hiding
Lubomir Nerad
- Deployment
Cameron O'Rourke
- ComboBox and cell factories
Tadashi Ohmura
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Dr. Michael Paus
- Deployment
Dr. Michael Paus
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Dr. Michael Paus
- Deployment
Dr. Michael Paus
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Dr. Michael Paus
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Dr. Michael Paus
- Deployment
Dr. Michael Paus
- Scope of Image in 2.2?
Dr. Michael Paus
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Dr. Michael Paus
- Scope of Image in 2.2?
Dr. Michael Paus
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Dr. Michael Paus
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Dr. Michael Paus
- Deployment
Anthony Petrov
- Deployment
Anthony Petrov
- Mixing JavaFX with Swing in different windows
Anthony Petrov
- Mixing JavaFX with Swing in different windows
Anthony Petrov
- Mixing JavaFX with Swing in different windows
Anthony Petrov
- Mixing JavaFX with Swing in different windows
Anthony Petrov
- Deployment
Peter Pilgrim
- Thoughts on Dialogs and Lightboxes
Kevin Rushforth
- Patch: issue RT-14177
Kevin Rushforth
- JavaFX 2.2 early access builds are now available on the OTN download site
Kevin Rushforth
- Patch: issue RT-14177
Kevin Rushforth
- API REVIEW request for RT-19783: Provide an option to allow modal windows to be blocking
Kevin Rushforth
- API REVIEW request for RT-19783: Provide an option to allow modal windows to be blocking
Kevin Rushforth
- API REVIEW request for RT-19783: Provide an option to allow modal windows to be blocking
Kevin Rushforth
- API REVIEW request for RT-19783: Provide an option to allow modal windows to be blocking
Kevin Rushforth
- API REVIEW request for RT-19783: Provide an option to allow modal windows to be blocking
Kevin Rushforth
- API REVIEW request for RT-19783: Provide an option to allow modal windows to be blocking
Kevin Rushforth
- API REVIEW request for RT-19783: Provide an option to allow modal windows to be blocking
Kevin Rushforth
- API REVIEW request for RT-19783: Provide an option to allow modal windows to be blocking
Kevin Rushforth
- API REVIEW request for RT-19783: Provide an option to allow modal windows to be blocking
Kevin Rushforth
- API REVIEW request for RT-15011: Provide ability to alter the implicit "exit on last window closed" behavior
Kevin Rushforth
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Kevin Rushforth
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Kevin Rushforth
- Deployment
Kevin Rushforth
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Kevin Rushforth
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Kevin Rushforth
- Deployment
Kevin Rushforth
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Kevin Rushforth
- Image class and paths relative to classpath
Kevin Rushforth
- Beta Builds Not Being Published
Kevin Rushforth
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Kevin Rushforth
- Image class and paths relative to classpath
Kevin Rushforth
- Mixing JavaFX with Swing in different windows
Kevin Rushforth
- Mixing JavaFX with Swing in different windows
Kevin Rushforth
- Mixing JavaFX with Swing in different windows
Kevin Rushforth
- Mixing JavaFX with Swing in different windows
Kevin Rushforth
- Createing ContextMenu outside of FX thread
Kevin Rushforth
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Kevin Rushforth
- API Review request for ColorPicker control : RT-19312
Kevin Rushforth
- 3D and shaders
Kevin Rushforth
- 3D and shaders
Kevin Rushforth
- Updated API REVIEW request for RT-15011: Provide ability to alter the implicit "exit on last window closed" behavior
Kevin Rushforth
- rectangles
Pavel Safrata
- Multiple-click events
Pavel Safrata
- Multiple-click events
Pavel Safrata
- Multiple-click events
Pavel Safrata
- Multiple-click events
Pavel Safrata
- Multiple-click events
Pavel Safrata
- Multiple-click events
Pavel Safrata
- API REVIEW request for RT-17138 Allow promptText on TextArea controls
Leif Samuelsson
- API REVIEW request for RT-10392: Allow the ellipsis for Labeled to be customizable
Leif Samuelsson
- API REVIEW request for RT-19857 Keeping menu in the Mac menu bar when there is no more stage
Leif Samuelsson
- API REVIEW request for RT-10392: Allow the ellipsis for Labeled to be customizable
Leif Samuelsson
- HTML Editor's HtmlText property to be made observable?
Slavko Scekic
- A supported public API for HTML Editor customization [#RT-21268]
Slavko Scekic
- A supported public API for HTML Editor customization [#RT-21268]
Slavko Scekic
- Patch: issue RT-14177
Tom Schindl
- API REVIEW request for RT-19783: Provide an option to allow modal windows to be blocking
Tom Schindl
- API REVIEW request for RT-19783: Provide an option to allow modal windows to be blocking
Tom Schindl
- API REVIEW request for RT-19783: Provide an option to allow modal windows to be blocking
Tom Schindl
- API REVIEW request for RT-19783: Provide an option to allow modal windows to be blocking
Tom Schindl
- API REVIEW request for RT17668 Disable/enable tabs in a TabPane
Tom Schindl
- CSS on javaFX
Tom Schindl
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Tom Schindl
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Tom Schindl
- [REVIEW REQUEST] Add userData property and properties map to TableColumn class
Tom Schindl
- API REVIEW request for RT17668 Disable/enable tabs in a TabPane
Tom Schindl
- Handling updates to the JavaFX Caspian look
Tom Schindl
- Handling updates to the JavaFX Caspian look
Tom Schindl
- API Review request for RT-19375 Pagination UI Control
Tom Schindl
- Handling updates to the JavaFX Caspian look
Tom Schindl
- Image class and paths relative to classpath
Tom Schindl
- Image class and paths relative to classpath
Tom Schindl
- Image class and paths relative to classpath
Tom Schindl
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Tom Schindl
- JavaFX runtime redistribution
Tom Schindl
- JavaFX runtime redistribution
Tom Schindl
- API Review Request for RT-17438
Martin Sladecek
- API Review Request for RT-17438
Martin Sladecek
- Color and Gradient animations
Martin Sladecek
- Image class and paths relative to classpath
Martin Sladecek
- Image class and paths relative to classpath
Martin Sladecek
- Image class and paths relative to classpath
Martin Sladecek
- Image class and paths relative to classpath
Martin Sladecek
- Image class and paths relative to classpath
Martin Sladecek
- Image class and paths relative to classpath
Martin Sladecek
- Image class and paths relative to classpath
Martin Sladecek
- API Review request for ColorPicker control : RT-19312
Paru Somashekar
- API Review request for ColorPicker control : RT-19312
Paru Somashekar
- API Review request for ColorPicker control : RT-19312
Paru Somashekar
- Fwd: Re: API Review request for ColorPicker control : RT-19312
Paru Somashekar
- Deployment
Mike Swingler
- Scope of Image in 2.2?
Mario Torre
- Issues with installing JavaFX on first use
Anthony Vanelverdinghe
- CSS on javaFX
Pedro Duque Vieira
- CSS on javaFX
Pedro Duque Vieira
- CSS on javaFX
Pedro Duque Vieira
- Deployment
Pedro Duque Vieira
- Deployment
Pedro Duque Vieira
- Image class and paths relative to classpath
Pedro Duque Vieira
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Pedro Duque Vieira
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Pedro Duque Vieira
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Pedro Duque Vieira
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Pedro Duque Vieira
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Pedro Duque Vieira
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Pedro Duque Vieira
- CSS on javaFX
Johan Vos
- Thoughts on Dialogs and Lightboxes
Stephen Winnall
- CSS on javaFX
Stephen Winnall
- API REVIEW request for RT17668 Disable/enable tabs in a TabPane
Kinsley Wong
- API REVIEW request for RT17668 Disable/enable tabs in a TabPane
Kinsley Wong
- API Review request for RT-19375 Pagination UI Control
Kinsley Wong
- API request: WebEngine settings
Peter Zhelezniakov
- API request: WebEngine settings
Peter Zhelezniakov
- API request: WebEngine settings
Peter Zhelezniakov
- CSS on javaFX
Daniel Zwolenski
- Deployment
Daniel Zwolenski
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Daniel Zwolenski
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Daniel Zwolenski
- Deployment
Daniel Zwolenski
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Daniel Zwolenski
- Image class and paths relative to classpath
Daniel Zwolenski
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Daniel Zwolenski
- HTML Editor's HtmlText property to be made observable?
Daniel Zwolenski
- Image class and paths relative to classpath
Daniel Zwolenski
- Image class and paths relative to classpath
Daniel Zwolenski
- Deployment - web based install
Daniel Zwolenski
- Image class and paths relative to classpath
Daniel Zwolenski
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Daniel Zwolenski
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Daniel Zwolenski
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Daniel Zwolenski
- JavaFX runtime redistribution
Daniel Zwolenski
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Daniel Zwolenski
- JavaFX runtime redistribution
Daniel Zwolenski
- JavaFX runtime redistribution
Daniel Zwolenski
- JavaFX runtime redistribution
Daniel Zwolenski
- API Review request for RT-19375 Pagination UI Control
Daniel Zwolenski
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Daniel Zwolenski
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Daniel Zwolenski
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Daniel Zwolenski
- rectangles
Daniel Zwolenski
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Daniel Zwolenski
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
Daniel Zwolenski
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
joe andresen
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
joe andresen
- API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node
joe andresen
- Multiple-click events
kimtopley at gmail.com
- Multiple-click events
kimtopley at gmail.com
- Multiple-click events
kimtopley at gmail.com
- Multiple-click events
kimtopley at gmail.com
- Multiple-click events
kimtopley at gmail.com
- Multiple-click events
kimtopley at gmail.com
- CSS on JavaFX
pedro.duquevieira at gmail.com
- Deployment
pedro.duquevieira at gmail.com
- help
jim kenny
- ComboBox and cell factories
- hg: openjfx/2.1/master/tests: Allow to add custom wraps.
artem.ananiev at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/graphics/rt: Removed unused import.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: 18 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: fix RT-20720 NPE when removing last item in series in AreaChart
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: 6 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: RT-20686: -fx-font-smoothing-type: gray; does not parse. Parser sees "gray" as a color.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: RT-20210: A StyleHelper might not have been gc'd so the referent might not have been cleared before the Reference<StyleHelper> is used by code that relies on the reference being cleared as soon as the StyleHelper becomes invalid and not when the StyleHelper is gc'd.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/graphics/rt: Fixed RT_20730: Unused variables in Text node
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/master/rt: 30 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/graphics/rt: Fix for RT-20654, RT-20655: Image arguments validation
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: RT-16144 - ScrollBar: space between buttons has another width than buttons
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: JAVADOC RT-20490 Region javadoc needs links.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: Pagination: add support for left and right key presses.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: Pagination: do not use any of list-cell styles for pagination-cell.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: FXVK: Virtual keyboard layouts now defined in resource file
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.1/master/rt: Added tag 2.1-b21 for changeset 4d1d81b2c178
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: FXVK: Updated layouts
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: Fixed RT-16628: [TextArea, TextField] Selection on double click take the following whitespace into selection
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: fix RT-20657 focus ring gets stuck in a editable ComboBox.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: Pagination: left and right swipe support.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: Fixed RT-19691: Mnemonic isn't shown when textProperty is bound.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/graphics/rt: Scene code cleanup - multiplicated picking and parent traversing code merged together, got rid of many instanceofs. RT-19346, RT-20832 and RT-20833 fixed along the way.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: RT20171: Tab in FXML: define content property as DefaultProperty.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: Pagination: swipe directions were reversed.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: 3 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: RT-12765: GridPane addRow() and addColumn() methods should append to internal structure.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: RT-20476: A mouse press (rather than a mouse click) should select a Tab in TabPane.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: fix broken unit tests.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/graphics/rt: RT-20869: Extending the Maven Build to include aggregated sources
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/graphics/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/graphics/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/graphics/rt: 59 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/graphics/rt: fix .classpath
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: dos2unix
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/graphics/rt: RT-12663: Add DnD support to JFXPanel on Windows
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/master/rt: 68 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/graphics/rt: Node's bounds optimization. Reviewed by Lubo.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/graphics/rt: Fix broken javafx.scene.input.DragAndDropTest unit test
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: 12 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/graphics/rt: RT-20635 Refactor Scene's impl_isQuiescent() and impl_testPulseListener
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/graphics/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/graphics/rt: Fixed RT-20918: TextField text disappears when selection in use
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/graphics/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/graphics/rt: [TEST-ONLY] test fix, approved
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: RT-20437: ClassCastException in TilePane while using the CSS style -fx-pref-rows
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: Fixed RT-20374: Secondary stage and Mac menu issue
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: More ColorPicker prototype changes.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: fix build error.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/graphics/rt: RT-20634 Merge Scene's impl_getFocusOwner() and impl_focusOwner property
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/graphics/rt: Fix for RT-20961: made Popup tests independent of each other
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: Fixed RT-20951: [Mac] System menu MenuBar is leaked when replacing the stage content
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: 4 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/graphics/rt: RT-19783: Provide an option to allow modal windows to be blocking
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: some minor fixes
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/graphics/rt: RT-20979: minor javadoc fix.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/graphics/rt: 17 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: RT-20576: font size is inherited twice in controls
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: 3 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/graphics/rt: RT-20632 In Scene.impl_initPeer call preferredSize() only once before intialization
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: 17 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/graphics/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: Pagination: update the current page when itemsPerPage has changed.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: 3 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/graphics/rt: 3 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/graphics/rt: RT-21044: Typos in API docs for layoutX property.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: Fixed RT-12567: [TextField, TextArea] Prompt text is not removed when the control gets focus
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: Pagination: revised api after review by Jonathan.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: RT-20689 : Add one finger swipe support to ScrollPane
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: RT-20727: If user sets font on Labeled, reapply CSS since relative sizes may need to be recalculated.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/master/rt: 33 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: Pagination: javadocs.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: colorpicker code clean up and partial key navigation support.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: missed this in the previous putback.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: 3 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: [TEST-ONLY] Disable HonorDeveloperSettingsTest for now
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/graphics/rt: [DOC-ONLY] RT-21003: Added images to javadoc for effects, fixed several typos and links in javadoc in javafx-ui-common
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: RT-20793 : KeyCode.DELETE used as accelerator on a MenuItem is suspected to corrupt the menu containing this MenuItem (on Windows)
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/graphics/rt: 32 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: Unit test for RT-13992.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: RT-21046: When setting UA stylesheet, call impl_reapplyCSS on the scene root rather than impl_processCSS.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/graphics/rt: 3 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/master/rt: 39 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: RT-17668: Disable/enable tabs in a TabPane.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/graphics/rt: RT-21127: fixed mouse wheel scrolling after touch screen scrolling.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/graphics/rt: Added test for mosue events delivered to nodes moving under still mouse.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: 10 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: 10 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: Fixed RT-21120: On Mac a menu with dynamic menu items may trigger infinite loop
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: API changes and implement changes in UI spec.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: missed this in previous putback
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: Made CustomColorDialog Application Modal.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: fix behavior of ColorPalette for show hide on mouse click and autohide.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: fix RT-21124 ColorPicker setValue dont affect obviously.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- Source Code for FXCanvas (SWT) ?
steve.x.northover at oracle.com
- API REVIEW request for RT-10392: Allow the ellipsis for Labeled to be customizable
steve.x.northover at oracle.com
- The BIG picture
goddard at seznam.cz
- Re: Re: The BIG picture
goddard at seznam.cz
- Capture Audio / Video
goddard at seznam.cz
- Re: Capture Audio / Video
goddard at seznam.cz
- Re: Re: Capture Audio / Video
goddard at seznam.cz
- Re: Re: Capture Audio / Video
goddard at seznam.cz
- 3D and shaders
goddard at seznam.cz
- Re: Re: 3D and shaders
goddard at seznam.cz
- Re: Re: 3D and shaders
goddard at seznam.cz
- Network status
goddard at seznam.cz
- Re: Re: API request: WebEngine settings
goddard at seznam.cz
- Re: Re: API request: WebEngine settings
goddard at seznam.cz
Last message date:
Mon Apr 30 18:39:24 PDT 2012
Archived on: Wed May 2 08:22:50 PDT 2012
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).