Native look and feel documentation?

Artem Ananiev artem.ananiev at
Fri Apr 20 03:02:13 PDT 2012

(Cross-posting to the OpenJFX mailing list)

JavaFX 2.0 controls are open-sourced, and the rest of JavaFX is coming, 
so didn't you think about contributing your work to OpenJFX? Or even 
starting a new OpenJDK project to implement native look for JavaFX 
controls? Note that such project is not Aqua (Mac OS X) specific: on 
Windows, there is also a way to render platform widgets to offscreen, we 
use this approach in Windows L&F in Swing.



On 4/20/2012 10:51 AM, Tobias Bley wrote:
> Hi,
> thanks Mike for that important information. I know that the Mac UI is not as simple I explained it ;) But with JavaFX 2 and the extended CSS possibilities you can do many many things like multi gradient backgrounds, highlights, noise, svg, etc.
> I love the approach to ask the native system to render the UI in an image! I think it would be the best way for JavaFX 2 too. I would like to dry a few things - so is there a documentation about the JavaRuntimeSupport.framework? Or is this part of code in Java OpenSource / in OpenJDK too?
> btw: You are right, Lucida Grande in Mac OS X, Helvetica in iOS.
> Best regards,

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