
Werner Lehmann lehmann at
Mon Apr 23 09:42:34 PDT 2012


what you are suggesting for "Web-based install of desktop app" would be 
a dream come true. My only addition to that: an advanced mode allowing 
me to override installation directories, 32/64 bit stuff, unselect 
browser toolbars ;-) etc.

Later this year we will deploy the first FX version of an existing 
webstart application. Obviously FX won't be included with the JRE until 
then, so this will require customers to install FX on lots of client 
computers first. It would help tremendously if FX could be deployed via 
webstart automatically, using the existing JRE on the machine - maybe as 
a first step.

The current solution - a landing page for FX download just does not work 
here. End users do not know what FX is. They cannot decide between 32 or 
64 bit. They may not even be able to install FX due to system privileges 
(not sure if that is an issue with the existing deployment toolkit 
browser plugin).


On 20.04.2012 17:21, Daniel Zwolenski wrote:
> If you want something like the above, say so loud and clear.

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