Image class and paths relative to classpath

Tom Schindl tom.schindl at
Tue Apr 24 02:45:21 PDT 2012

Am 24.04.12 11:11, schrieb Daniel Fuchs:
> Hi guys,
> The JavaFX SceneBuilder will be able to deal easily with absolute
> (eg, "file:/" or "http://") URLs, as well as with relative
> ("@...") URLs. However dealing with things like "classpath:/..."
> will be more challenging.
> The issue here is that 1. you need to define your classpath before
> loading your FXML - so that the classpath:/ can be resolved, and
> 2. since you're editing an FXML you might not have anything in
> the classpath yet - since you might not have compiled your project
> yet. In which case what you'd need would be a sourcepath rather
> than a classpath.

To support custom components you need to setup a sourcepath already.


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