API Review RT:17407 Canvas Node

Tom Schindl tom.schindl at bestsolution.at
Wed Apr 25 00:49:27 PDT 2012


>> a) Shouldn't you use Rectangle?
> The Node?  We don't want to involve Node objects in the rendering
> interface (though we use some of the same simple enums/objects they use
> for their attributes).

No I refering to the method name. Currently you are using
draw/strokeRect and I'd suggest to use draw/strokeRectangle.

>> b) I would vote for drawRectangle which BTW is nothing more than
>>     calling drawRoundRectangle with 0 as the arcs right?
> Arguably yes, but it's such a simple addition and reads more directly
> than having to look at the arguments and see if there are two 0's in
> there, so I think we'll keep the distinction.  Note that the Rectangle
> node has optionally rounded corners, but they are separate properties so
> they don't appear every time you interact with it and force you to type
> ", 0, 0" to ignore them...

This comment was meant to highlight that you are using draw and stroke
and you should settle on one of them so
strokeRoundRectangle/strokeRectangle or drawRoundRectangle/drawRectangle.


B e s t S o l u t i o n . a t                        EDV Systemhaus GmbH
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