3D and shaders

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
Thu Apr 26 15:57:35 PDT 2012

JSL is still used internally, but would need a fair bit of work to 
extend it for completeness and make it suitable for public use. We 
currently have no plan to do this.

-- Kevin

goddard at seznam.cz wrote:
> Yes, that's what I meant.I know that JavaFX's been using shaders for 
> some time, but I didn't know the implications. Regarding the cross-API 
> shading language, what has happened to JSL?
> Regards, Jiri
> ------------ Původní zpráva ------------
> Od: Kevin Rushforth <kevin.rushforth at oracle.com>
> Předmět: Re: 3D and shaders
> Datum: 27.4.2012 00:50:57
> ----------------------------------------
> If you mean write your own shaders and pass them in, that is somewhat 
> problematic for a couple of reasons. First, we internally use vertex 
> and pixel shaders ourselves to do various rendering operations. 
> Second, we would need to develop or adopt a cross-API shading language 
> that can be compiled into HLSL and GLSL (possibly multiple versions 
> for desktop/embedded?). There are other issues as well, but those are 
> the main ones.
> -- Kevin
> goddard at seznam.cz wrote:
>> Hi,
>> will we be able to use shaders later on for 3D apps?
>> Regards, Jiri
>> P.S.: Ensemble is excellent :)

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