Multiple-click events

Pavel Safrata pavel.safrata at
Fri Apr 27 09:17:06 PDT 2012

This is not that simple, the click event has some added value over the 
MouseReleased event - it checks for the "pressed and released" node in 
the whole hierarchy, so if you press on child1 and release on child2, 
their common parent gets the click. This would require more work on 
user's side.


On 27.4.2012 18:09, Alexander Kouznetsov wrote:
> This code is something we want to avoid.
> If people want to handle first click without any delays that can just 
> handle mouseReleased event.
> Best regards,
> Alexander Kouznetsov
> On 27.04.2012 19:51, Jeff Martin wrote:
>> It seems a little dangerous to arbitrarily delay all initial mouse 
>> clicks. Does Swing do anything like this? I've never run into a 
>> problem with processing both single and double clicks, but if it was 
>> an issue, isn't there some kind of event peek that could easily be done:
>>     if(mouseEvent.getClickCount()==1) {
>>         Thread.sleep(200);
>>         if(EventDispatcher.peek(MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED!=null) return;
>> <  … handle single click normally …>
>>     }
>> If that isn't there, could that be added instead?
>> jeff
>> On Apr 27, 2012, at 10:23 AM, kimtopley at wrote:
>>> Would it be possible to make this configurable, maybe at the Scene 
>>> level? In some cases, a single click is all that's required and the 
>>> delay waiting for a second click that means nothing more to the 
>>> application is unnecessary.
>>> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Pavel Safrata<pavel.safrata at>
>>> Sender: openjfx-dev-bounces at
>>> Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2012 17:17:10
>>> To: openjfx-dev at<openjfx-dev at>
>>> Cc: VIENOT, SIMON<simon.vienot at>; Alexander 
>>> Kouznetsov<alexander.kouznetsov at>; Richard 
>>> Bair<Richard.Bair at>
>>> Subject: Multiple-click events
>>> Hello,
>>> currently we deliver MOUSE_CLICKED event any time a node was pressed 
>>> and
>>> released by mouse; if the next press happens fast enough and near
>>> enough, we increase the clickCount number for the events. There are
>>> requests to make a standalone single-click distinguishable from a first
>>> click of a double-click (and so on).
>>> After some discussion we concluded that the cleanest approach would be
>>> somewhat backward incompatible - we propose to generate the click event
>>> only when we are sure that there is no next click. In other words, the
>>> partial clicks would not be delivered at all, the final click would 
>>> be a
>>> bit delayed. The pressed/released events would of course be still
>>> delivered normally, with the correct clickCount value.
>>> Any objections?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Pavel

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