JavaFX and SWT (Eclipse SDK) on Linux and Popup/Context-Menus

Tom Schindl tom.schindl at
Mon Jul 9 06:56:44 PDT 2012


I've a bug report against my tooling on linux [1] which says that once
you embed JavaFX into an Eclipse View *all* popup menus are not shown
any more.

I tried to reproduce this with a standalone SWT/JavaFX snippet but I'm
unable to reproduce it there yet :-( hence I've not yet filed a jira
ticket for it.

I've debugged the Eclipse code which runs fine and finally calls:


but the Popup-Menu (e.g. on toolbar-dropdowns, inside the trees, ...) is
not shown. I'm posting here because maybe someone from the fx-gtk-team
has an idea what could cause this odd behaviour. It looks like *only*
popup menus are affected so this is kind of strange.

So has anyone out there an idea what could cause this problem? Maybe it
has something to do with OSGi so I'll try to create an small OSGi-App
which uses JavaFX and SWT but anyways anybody an idea?

OS-X and Windows are not affected by this so my wild guess is that
something in glass is vetoing the displaying of the menu.



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