JavaFX and SWT (Eclipse SDK) on Linux and Popup/Context-Menus

Tom Schindl tom.schindl at
Mon Jul 9 07:32:04 PDT 2012


Well in an OSGi/SWT/JavaFX application the same problem happens. So all
I can say now is that it's not my OSGi integration but something
different that's going wrong somewhere.


Am 09.07.12 15:56, schrieb Tom Schindl:
> Hi,
> I've a bug report against my tooling on linux [1] which says that once
> you embed JavaFX into an Eclipse View *all* popup menus are not shown
> any more.
> I tried to reproduce this with a standalone SWT/JavaFX snippet but I'm
> unable to reproduce it there yet :-( hence I've not yet filed a jira
> ticket for it.
> I've debugged the Eclipse code which runs fine and finally calls:
> ....
> menu.setLocation(...);
> menu.setVisible(true);
> but the Popup-Menu (e.g. on toolbar-dropdowns, inside the trees, ...) is
> not shown. I'm posting here because maybe someone from the fx-gtk-team
> has an idea what could cause this odd behaviour. It looks like *only*
> popup menus are affected so this is kind of strange.
> So has anyone out there an idea what could cause this problem? Maybe it
> has something to do with OSGi so I'll try to create an small OSGi-App
> which uses JavaFX and SWT but anyways anybody an idea?
> OS-X and Windows are not affected by this so my wild guess is that
> something in glass is vetoing the displaying of the menu.
> Tom
> [1]

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