Contribution to OpenJFX

Daniel Zwolenski zonski at
Wed Nov 14 15:15:22 PST 2012

On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 9:04 AM, Richard Bair <richard.bair at>wrote:

> > Once we get back (we are in Toronto now) I'll write also some followup
> > to sync about the actual status of the build refactoring (including the
> > new build tool).
> Cool. I met with Hans Docktor (Mr Gradle) on Tuesday and he was awesome
> help (thanks Hans!) in getting things farther along. I also met Xavier (not
> sure of last name) who is on Android build team and working on migrating
> standard android build tooling to Gradle (not for android itself, yet, but
> for people building android apps). They have pretty close to all the same
> build requirements we do so I think this is a great time to be trying to
> use Gradle.

Can you guys give us a quick overview of the "new build tool" and "build
refactoring"? Is this the JFX build tools you are talking about, the JRE
build or something else altogether? How does Gradle fit into the mix.

I've just started a pretty big undertaking to make a build library and use
this in a Maven plugin. It would be great to know in advance if this work
is going to be superseded by anything you guys are doing and/or whether it
is stuff that can be leveraged to save me time.

Additionally I am trying  (slowly) to work out how to build compact JRE
profiles for desktop so would be good to know if any of this could overlap
with that.


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