status of 3D support on Linux

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Tue Oct 30 15:54:56 PDT 2012

> #1 does resolving the above issue bring 3D support to Linux for 
> AMD/ATI devices?

Yes. This should be available in this week's JDK8 build. Chien was going 
to send out a "try it and let us know" e-mail, so he may want to follow 
up on this.

> #2 what about other GPUs, such as the extremely common Intel HD GPUs?

Unplanned for FX 8. The problem is that the Intel OpenGL drivers on 
Linux have been historically very bad in terms of quality and 
compliance. There is some anecdotal evidence that this is changing, but 
we don't want to support it. There is a system property you can set to 
force this for testing, but no way to deploy an application using it.

> #3 any plans to support OpenSource/Gallium3D based drivers (ie 
> nouveau/radeon)? 

Not support, no. But it might "just work" and is something you could try.

-- Kevin

Udo Rader wrote:
> Hi,
> we are currently evaluating our options on getting 3D support for 
> Linux based devices and were stunned to find that currently only the 
> proprietary nVidia driver is supported on Linux.
> Now after ("Support 
> ATI/AMD GPU on the Linux platform") has been resolved I am wondering 
> what that means.
> So, 3 questions:
> #1 does resolving the above issue bring 3D support to Linux for 
> AMD/ATI devices?
> #2 what about other GPUs, such as the extremely common Intel HD GPUs?
> #3 any plans to support OpenSource/Gallium3D based drivers (ie 
> nouveau/radeon)?
> IMHO bringing 3D support to Linux based (embedded) devices is very 
> important to bring JavaFX forward.
> Regards
> Udo
> -- 
> Udo Rader, CEO
> EDV Systemhaus GmbH
> Eduard-Bodem-Gasse 5-7, A-6020 Innsbruck
> Reg. Nr. FN 222302s am Firmenbuchgericht Innsbruck

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