status of 3D support on Linux

Chien Yang chien.yang at
Tue Oct 30 17:21:17 PDT 2012

Yes, please give it a try once the binary is available by end of this 
week. Any feedback on JavaFX stability running on ATI/AMD GPU will be 
greatly appreciated. So far our testing has been limited to Ubuntu 12.04 
(32-bit) using AMD proprietary fglrx driver.

Information on installing fglrx driver:

- Chien

On 10/30/2012 3:54 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
>> #1 does resolving the above issue bring 3D support to Linux for 
>> AMD/ATI devices?
> Yes. This should be available in this week's JDK8 build. Chien was 
> going to send out a "try it and let us know" e-mail, so he may want to 
> follow up on this.
>> #2 what about other GPUs, such as the extremely common Intel HD GPUs?
> Unplanned for FX 8. The problem is that the Intel OpenGL drivers on 
> Linux have been historically very bad in terms of quality and 
> compliance. There is some anecdotal evidence that this is changing, 
> but we don't want to support it. There is a system property you can 
> set to force this for testing, but no way to deploy an application 
> using it.
>> #3 any plans to support OpenSource/Gallium3D based drivers (ie 
>> nouveau/radeon)? 
> Not support, no. But it might "just work" and is something you could try.
> -- Kevin
> Udo Rader wrote:
>> Hi,
>> we are currently evaluating our options on getting 3D support for 
>> Linux based devices and were stunned to find that currently only the 
>> proprietary nVidia driver is supported on Linux.
>> Now after ("Support 
>> ATI/AMD GPU on the Linux platform") has been resolved I am wondering 
>> what that means.
>> So, 3 questions:
>> #1 does resolving the above issue bring 3D support to Linux for 
>> AMD/ATI devices?
>> #2 what about other GPUs, such as the extremely common Intel HD GPUs?
>> #3 any plans to support OpenSource/Gallium3D based drivers (ie 
>> nouveau/radeon)?
>> IMHO bringing 3D support to Linux based (embedded) devices is very 
>> important to bring JavaFX forward.
>> Regards
>> Udo
>> -- 
>> Udo Rader, CEO
>> EDV Systemhaus GmbH
>> Eduard-Bodem-Gasse 5-7, A-6020 Innsbruck
>> Reg. Nr. FN 222302s am Firmenbuchgericht Innsbruck

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