JavaFX port to iOS/Android status
Richard Bair
richard.bair at
Mon Apr 22 07:40:28 PDT 2013
I have no doubt such a talk would be accepted.
On Apr 21, 2013, at 4:56 PM, Danno Ferrin <danno.ferrin at> wrote:
> The real question in my mind is who has the audacity to submit a JavaOne
> session based on a community JVM port on iOS and Android? The pieces are
> not there to get a good handle on the community port, but the (extended)
> deadline for JavaOne is Tuesday. This has the potential to be a standing
> room only session with rockstar potential.
> My plate is already quite full between work, my family, and other projects
> I have planned, or I would have quietly submitted it already. The odds are
> whoever submits will be reporting on someone else's work for at least on of
> the platforms. If I don't hear anyone attempting it by Tuesday I may
> overload myself or drop one of my side projects. I think it is that
> important it be done by someone.
> On Sun, Apr 21, 2013 at 7:02 AM, Daniel Zwolenski <zonski at> wrote:
>> Richard,
>> Thanks for the previous response.
>> Are you able to tell us the strategy you guys used for the JVM element in
>> your prototypes to give us a potential starting point? Eg did you guys make
>> it run on Dalvik or use XMLVM or take some other path?
>> If there's some legal blocker to giving us this info then perhaps a
>> general comment along the lines of 'an approach that may be of particular
>> interest is X' would be sufficient.
>> John (or anyone), if you come up with a strategy you think may be worth a
>> shot let us know. As I've said before (to the point of being annoying), I
>> think mobile support (along with good deployment options) is key to jfx
>> adoption and survival and so I'm keen to see it develop. This area of
>> native/porting is not something I've got a lot of experience in though so
>> I'd be looking for someone else to lead but I'd be willing to help where I
>> can.
>> Thanks,
>> Dan
>> On 21/04/2013, at 8:35 PM, Herve Girod <herve.girod at> wrote:
>>>> Hi Richard,
>>>> I knew nothing about XMLVM but my first cursory looks suggests it is
>>>> nothing
>>>> more than a way to represent a byte-code based application in a generic
>> way
>>>> so that it may be easily ported to any architecture. Given that the JVM
>>>> itself is not actually a Java byte-code application, how is this going
>> to
>>>> help with porting it?
>>> I am far from knowledgeable on .NET, but I suggest looking how Mono is
>>> working on Android and iOS. See here for example:
>>>> Getting JavaFX to run on Dalvik may be an easier option but I have heard
>>>> rumours that Google are seriously looking to remove Java (and
>> "Java-like"
>>>> technologies such as Dalvik) from all their products in response to the
>>>> legal wrangling with Oracle. I expect Java support in their software
>> will
>>>> be deprecated and eventually phased-out altogether with GWT's Java
>>>> fundamentals for example being replaced with Dart and so on. I
>> wouldn't be
>>>> surprised to see the Android SDK being based on C++ in the not so
>> distant
>>>> future (or maybe even yet another "new" language).
>>> Maybe, but I think that if they do that, Google will be the first to
>> "pay".
>>> I don't think that Oracle get anything from the fact that Google use
>> their
>>> "proprietary" Java on Android, but rebuilding all what they have done
>>> before on Dalvik in another language (and making sure it's working) will
>> be
>>> a LOT of work.
>>> Hervé
>>> 2013/4/21 John C. Turnbull <ozemale at>
>>>> Hi Richard,
>>>> I knew nothing about XMLVM but my first cursory looks suggests it is
>>>> nothing
>>>> more than a way to represent a byte-code based application in a generic
>> way
>>>> so that it may be easily ported to any architecture. Given that the JVM
>>>> itself is not actually a Java byte-code application, how is this going
>> to
>>>> help with porting it?
>>>> Getting JavaFX to run on Dalvik may be an easier option but I have heard
>>>> rumours that Google are seriously looking to remove Java (and
>> "Java-like"
>>>> technologies such as Dalvik) from all their products in response to the
>>>> legal wrangling with Oracle. I expect Java support in their software
>> will
>>>> be deprecated and eventually phased-out altogether with GWT's Java
>>>> fundamentals for example being replaced with Dart and so on. I
>> wouldn't be
>>>> surprised to see the Android SDK being based on C++ in the not so
>> distant
>>>> future (or maybe even yet another "new" language). And it's not just
>>>> Oracle
>>>> that Google has in its sights with the recent news that they are
>> abandoning
>>>> WebKit in favour of Blink which would appear to be driven more from its
>>>> competition with Apple that any genuine technological need. Don't
>> worry, I
>>>> know you cannot comment on any of these issues ;-)
>>>> I am going to do my own research into what is available that may be
>>>> suitable
>>>> to form the basis of an iOS/Android VM capable of running JavaFX
>>>> applications and will report back when I have some concrete results.
>>>> -jct
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Richard Bair [mailto:richard.bair at]
>>>> Sent: Saturday, 20 April 2013 11:32
>>>> To: John C. Turnbull
>>>> Cc: openjfx-dev at
>>>> Subject: Re: JavaFX port to iOS/Android status
>>>> The remainder of the iOS and Android code is slated to go out (along
>> with
>>>> the rest of Prism) early next week if all goes well. But these ports
>> don't
>>>> include a VM, so somebody from "the outside" is going to have to get it
>> up
>>>> and running on Dalvik or XMLVM or something. Certainly *not* an
>>>> insurmountable challenge for one so motivated ;-)
>>>> Richard
>>>> On Apr 19, 2013, at 5:38 PM, John C. Turnbull <ozemale at>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> What's the status of the JavaFX port to iOS and Android? Has anyone
>>>>> got seriously involved and started to make progress? Is there someone
>>>>> who is overseeing the project that I can contact?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> -jct
> --
> There is nothing that will hold me back. I know who I am....
> I remember wher I came from, and I feel stronger for knowing.
> Zane, Ninja of Ice. Ninjago S01E07
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