Cancel mode event to hide contextmenus?

Anthony Petrov anthony.petrov at
Tue Feb 19 05:01:47 PST 2013

Hi Werner,

I believe you're facing this issue:

It's fixed in 8.0 for quite some time already. Could give it a try with 
a recent 8.0 build and see if it "just works" w/o all these custom 

For your convenience here's a link:

FX is bundled with the JDK build.

best regards,

On 2/19/2013 16:08, Werner Lehmann wrote:
> Hi,
> I am still having a hard time to make sure that contextmenus are hidden 
> when the user moves or resizes the window underneath. This is on a 
> JFXPanel, not sure if it is a problem in a pure FX application, too.
> Currently this requires quite some code, see below for a snippet. And 
> this works only if I actually have a reference to all contextmenus which 
> could possibly be showing on a scene. Which is also a problem because on 
> MenuButton and other controls the contextmenu is an implementation 
> detail and it is intentionally hard or impossible to get a reference to 
> those.
> On Win32 there is a WM_CANCELMODE event sent to controls which stops 
> editing, unreleases mouse captures, and also closes menus. Is there 
> something similar in FX which I could send to a root container to 
> achieve this on every child control?
> Rgds
> Werner
> PS: for your "amusement", this is what I am currently doing to hide the 
> menu IF I have a reference to it:
> 1. Wait until control is added to scene.
> 2. Wait until scene has a window.
> 3. Listen to changes on the window x/y/width properties to hide the 
> contextmenu (don't need to listen to height property in this case).
>>     sceneProperty().addListener(new InvalidationListener() {
>>       @Override
>>       public void invalidated(Observable arg0)
>>       {
>>         Scene s = getScene();
>>         if (s != null)
>>         {
>>           s.windowProperty().addListener(new InvalidationListener() {
>>             @Override
>>             public void invalidated(Observable arg0)
>>             {
>>               if (getScene() != null && getScene().getWindow() != null)
>>               {
>>                 ChangeListener<Number> changeListener = new 
>> ChangeListener<Number>() {
>>                   @Override
>>                   public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends 
>> Number> observableValue, Number oldValue, Number newValue)
>>                   {
>>                     cmUser.hide();
>>                   }
>>                 };
>> getScene().getWindow().xProperty().addListener(changeListener);
>> getScene().getWindow().yProperty().addListener(changeListener);
>> getScene().getWindow().widthProperty().addListener(changeListener);
>>               }
>>             }
>>           });
>>         }
>>       }
>>     });

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