JIRA does not allow to add attachments

Mark Fortner phidias51 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 2 10:43:13 PST 2013

It also seems to have a problem with taking screenshots.  Whenever, I try
to take a screenshot and attach it to the issue, the screenshot applet page
only shows the Oracle Technet home page.



On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 10:24 AM, Jonathan Giles
<jonathan.giles at oracle.com>wrote:

> I wonder if this is related to the Jira failure last week where the server
> appeared to run out of hard disk space? Perhaps the permissions have been
> tightened to decrease the speed at which hard drive space is consumed.
> I thought it was related to the type of the jira issue (tweak, feature,
> bug, etc), but it seems that this isn't the case as I've changed RT-27467
> to all three to no avail (with Tom testing).
> Finally, I should note that I can still attach to Jira issues as an Oracle
> employee, so in the case of controls issues (such as RT-27467), I am happy
> to attach files if people email them to me (until my inbox exceeds its hard
> disk allowance :-)
> -- Jonathan
> On 3/01/2013 4:23 a.m., Kevin Rushforth wrote:
>> [forwarding to Mong and Brian directly in case they didn't see it]
>> I can confirm this behavior. Brian or Mong can reply as to what changed
>> that might have caused this.
>> -- Kevin
>> Tom Schindl wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Something must have changed in JIRAs privilege system because I'm not
>>> allowed to attach patches anymore to tickets I filed (e.g.
>>> http://javafx-jira.kenai.com/**browse/RT-27467<http://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-27467>
>>> )
>>> Do other none-oracle-employees also see this, or is it just me?
>>> Tom

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