iOS: current state of RoboVM 0.0.2 + latest gradle based OpenJFX on iOS

steve.x.northover at steve.x.northover at
Wed Jul 3 05:32:59 PDT 2013

Hi Tobias,

CoreText has been supported on iOS since 3.2.  The code that is released 
was compiled and tested on OS X only but most of it should be applicable 
to iOS.  I have not investigated the differences between CoreText on iOS 
and on OS X to find out where the rough edges are but the code should be 
close.  Nobody has really tried it much except Felipe so I'll let him 
provide the details.  I can confirm that coretext.c is wired into the 
gradle build and that uncommenting the #if will compile the source and 
get compile errors on iOS.

There is a bug in the gradle incremental compiler for native code () so 
you will need this line to make sure your changes to native files get 
picked up:

gradle -PCOMPILE_TARGETS=ios clean sdk

I suggest we use this list to coordinate.


On 03/07/2013 5:31 AM, Tobias Bley wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried to use the latest gradle based OpenJFX on iOS using RoboVM. Current state: it fails: The reason why is the font rendering using CoreText which currently is not possible on iOS.
> Take a look here: coretext.c => #if TARGET_OS_MAC && !(TARGET_OS_IPHONE)
> The alternative would be to use the T2K renderer, which is not  available in OpenJFX.
> So currently we have to wait for an implementation of CoreText native code on iOS.
> Best regards,
> Tobi

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