iOS: current state of RoboVM 0.0.2 + latest gradle based OpenJFX on iOS

Tobias Bley tobi at
Wed Jul 3 06:11:00 PDT 2013

Hi Steve,

thanks for your answer. Yes I tried to replace the #if statement by „#if 1“ to compile the native code but it failed with several native errors. The main problem is that the ApplicationServices.framework used by coretext.c is only available on MacOSX but not on iOS SDK...


Am 03.07.2013 um 14:32 schrieb steve.x.northover at

> Hi Tobias,
> CoreText has been supported on iOS since 3.2.  The code that is released was compiled and tested on OS X only but most of it should be applicable to iOS.  I have not investigated the differences between CoreText on iOS and on OS X to find out where the rough edges are but the code should be close.  Nobody has really tried it much except Felipe so I'll let him provide the details.  I can confirm that coretext.c is wired into the gradle build and that uncommenting the #if will compile the source and get compile errors on iOS.
> There is a bug in the gradle incremental compiler for native code () so you will need this line to make sure your changes to native files get picked up:
> gradle -PCOMPILE_TARGETS=ios clean sdk
> I suggest we use this list to coordinate.
> Steve
> On 03/07/2013 5:31 AM, Tobias Bley wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I tried to use the latest gradle based OpenJFX on iOS using RoboVM. Current state: it fails: The reason why is the font rendering using CoreText which currently is not possible on iOS.
>> Take a look here: coretext.c => #if TARGET_OS_MAC && !(TARGET_OS_IPHONE)
>> The alternative would be to use the T2K renderer, which is not  available in OpenJFX.
>> So currently we have to wait for an implementation of CoreText native code on iOS.
>> Best regards,
>> Tobi

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