FBX Importer for OpenJFX

Jasper Potts jasper.potts at oracle.com
Thu Jul 25 23:27:18 PDT 2013

We at Oracle don't have plans for a FBX importer. We have a importer for Maya ASCII which supports animation. Other than that simple mesh importers for Obj, Max and Collada. We are working on a more fully featured Collada importer that will support animation etc. 

You may be able to get away with using    the open source Collada plugin for Autodesk apps with our Collada importer we are working on. I do not know a timeline for when we will be done with importer so if you need something soon then it may not work for you. The good thing is both exporter and importer are both open source so if you have fidelity issues you can fix it your self. 

I think your plan of using FBX SDK via JNI would be a good way to get something up and working fast and reliably. You did not mention your source tool but another way would be to use SDK and write exporter to FXML or another intermediary format. I am sure the community would appreciate either of these if you wanted to contribute. 


On Jul 24, 2013, at 12:38 AM, Robert Fisher <rfisher at tesis.de> wrote:

> Hi all,
> We would like to be able to load FBX files into the 3DViewer app. Are there any plans to develop an FBX importer, or is this something we should implement ourselves?
> Thanks in advance.
> Rob

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