Anybody looking for a quick patch to contribute?

Mario Torre neugens at
Tue Mar 12 12:25:35 PDT 2013

Il giorno mar, 12/03/2013 alle 09.54 -0700, Richard Bair ha scritto:

> Did you by chance watch the video I hosted here?
> On minute 7 I download these in the video (it is too long and boring
> so I doubt you've seen it :-). I will do a new one when the gradle
> stuff is ready to go that is hopefully a 30 second video!). I'll also
> update the wiki with a link to the web page.

Yeah, no, I didn't... but it's not boring at all :)


Great, thanks!

Indeed, the build went a bit further. This is a problem though because
we need to take care of the version of antlr that is installed on the

Is there a plan to eventually integration this code into the OpenJDK 8
tree (like nashorn, for instance)?

Anyway, back on the build, with OpenJDK 8 or Oracle JDK 8 EA and ant
1.8.4 it fails with this weird message:

master/rt/build.xml:87: The following error occurred while executing
this line:
master/rt/decora-runtime/build-common.xml:109: The following error
occurred while executing this line:
master/rt/decora-runtime/build-common.xml:24: Class not found: javac1.8

It seems that ant 1.9 is now required to compile OpenJFX, at least on

> I'm guessing you are on Linux? I have worked out windows & mac, about
> to start on the linux build. I'm guessing it dies on building native
> code?

It seems that it fails with the :graphics:effects-jsl:compileBlend task.

I just gave it another try and here is the error message:

But maybe I'm just doing something here, I'm not much of a gradle expert

One final question, what other code is still needed to be open sourced?
I guess we're mostly done, right?


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