Font derivation, plus ConcurrentModificationException on font load

Phil Race philip.race at
Mon Dec 8 04:56:33 UTC 2014

There's probably an RFE or bug that mentions the omission of deriveFont
Its the most direct way to say many things such there this font
with all these properties - some of which I may not be aware of -
and I just want it to be bigger/smaller/bolder but otherwise the same
So deriveFont should be added, and JDK 9 would seem a reasonable target 
One thing to note is that 2D  (actually AWT has no part in this),
has built-in support for doing some things that the platforms
may not support. FX delegates to the platform and if the platform
can't oblique a font for you it won't happen even with a deriveFont API.
This is "vice-versa" of course, so there are likely to be things you get
from the platform you won't from cross-platform built-in support,
notably platform-specific rendering.


On 12/7/14 2:54 PM, Jeff Hain wrote:
> Hello.
> Currently discovering JavaFX (using 1.8.0_25-b18),I saw that there is no way to "derive" a font, as could be done in AWT.
> In AWT, if you load "FreeMono.ttf", you get a non-bold font by default, but using
> font.deriveFont(font.BOLD, 1.0f) you can obtain a bold version of it.
> In JavaFX, there is no way to obtain a bold version of "FreeMono.ttf".The best you can do is to load "FreeMonoBold.ttf" and then callFont.load("FreeMono", FontWeight.BOLD, 1.0), but the resulting lookis quite different than AWT's bold FreeMono.ttf.
> ===> Are there plans to add font derivation in JavaFX, so that fonts of various         styles can be obtained from a same ".ttf" file, or will it stay as this?
> Now code to reproduce a bug :
> ### BEGIN
> import javafx.scene.text.Font;
> public class JavaFXCMEOnFontReload {
>      public static void main(String[] args) {
>          /*
>           * java.runtime.version=1.8.0_25-b18
>           */
>          // download:
>          final String urlStr = "file:src/bugz/FreeMono.ttf";
>          final String initialFontFamily = "AngsanaUPC";
>          System.out.println("font(" + initialFontFamily + ")...");
>          Font.font(initialFontFamily);
>          for (int k=0;k<2;k++) {
>              System.out.println("loadFont(" + urlStr + ")...");
>              final Font font = Font.loadFont(urlStr, 1.0);
>              if (font == null) {
>                  throw new AssertionError("could not load " + urlStr);
>              }
>              System.out.println("font(" + font.getFamily() + ")...");
>              Font.font(font.getFamily());
>          }
>      }
> }
> ### END
> Output:font(AngsanaUPC)...
> loadFont(file:src/bugz/FreeMono.ttf)...
> font(FreeMono)...
> loadFont(file:src/bugz/FreeMono.ttf)...
> Exception in thread "main" java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
>      at java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextNode(
>      at java.util.HashMap$
>      at com.sun.javafx.font.PrismFontFactory.removeEmbeddedFont(
>      at com.sun.javafx.font.PrismFontFactory.loadEmbeddedFont(
>      at com.sun.javafx.font.PrismFontFactory.loadEmbeddedFont(
>      at com.sun.javafx.font.PrismFontLoader.loadFont(
>      at javafx.scene.text.Font.loadFont(
>      at bugz.JavaFXCMEOnFontReload.main(
> -Jeff

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