Font derivation, plus ConcurrentModificationException on font load
Phil Race
philip.race at
Mon Dec 8 04:58:16 UTC 2014
PS .. the ConcurrentModificationException is one we fixed for 8u40.
You should test that out with a current EA build.
On 12/7/14 8:56 PM, Phil Race wrote:
> There's probably an RFE or bug that mentions the omission of deriveFont
> Its the most direct way to say many things such there this font
> with all these properties - some of which I may not be aware of -
> and I just want it to be bigger/smaller/bolder but otherwise the same
> So deriveFont should be added, and JDK 9 would seem a reasonable
> target here.
> One thing to note is that 2D (actually AWT has no part in this),
> has built-in support for doing some things that the platforms
> may not support. FX delegates to the platform and if the platform
> can't oblique a font for you it won't happen even with a deriveFont API.
> This is "vice-versa" of course, so there are likely to be things you get
> from the platform you won't from cross-platform built-in support,
> notably platform-specific rendering.
> -phil.
> On 12/7/14 2:54 PM, Jeff Hain wrote:
>> Hello.
>> Currently discovering JavaFX (using 1.8.0_25-b18),I saw that there is
>> no way to "derive" a font, as could be done in AWT.
>> In AWT, if you load "FreeMono.ttf", you get a non-bold font by
>> default, but using
>> font.deriveFont(font.BOLD, 1.0f) you can obtain a bold version of it.
>> In JavaFX, there is no way to obtain a bold version of
>> "FreeMono.ttf".The best you can do is to load "FreeMonoBold.ttf" and
>> then callFont.load("FreeMono", FontWeight.BOLD, 1.0), but the
>> resulting lookis quite different than AWT's bold FreeMono.ttf.
>> ===> Are there plans to add font derivation in JavaFX, so that fonts
>> of various styles can be obtained from a same ".ttf" file, or
>> will it stay as this?
>> Now code to reproduce a bug :
>> ### BEGIN
>> import javafx.scene.text.Font;
>> public class JavaFXCMEOnFontReload {
>> public static void main(String[] args) {
>> /*
>> * java.runtime.version=1.8.0_25-b18
>> */
>> // download:
>> final String urlStr = "file:src/bugz/FreeMono.ttf";
>> final String initialFontFamily = "AngsanaUPC";
>> System.out.println("font(" + initialFontFamily + ")...");
>> Font.font(initialFontFamily);
>> for (int k=0;k<2;k++) {
>> System.out.println("loadFont(" + urlStr + ")...");
>> final Font font = Font.loadFont(urlStr, 1.0);
>> if (font == null) {
>> throw new AssertionError("could not load " + urlStr);
>> }
>> System.out.println("font(" +
>> font.getFamily() + ")...");
>> Font.font(font.getFamily());
>> }
>> }
>> }
>> ### END
>> Output:font(AngsanaUPC)...
>> loadFont(file:src/bugz/FreeMono.ttf)...
>> font(FreeMono)...
>> loadFont(file:src/bugz/FreeMono.ttf)...
>> Exception in thread "main" java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
>> at java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextNode(
>> at java.util.HashMap$
>> at
>> com.sun.javafx.font.PrismFontFactory.removeEmbeddedFont(
>> at
>> com.sun.javafx.font.PrismFontFactory.loadEmbeddedFont(
>> at
>> com.sun.javafx.font.PrismFontFactory.loadEmbeddedFont(
>> at
>> com.sun.javafx.font.PrismFontLoader.loadFont(
>> at javafx.scene.text.Font.loadFont(
>> at bugz.JavaFXCMEOnFontReload.main(
>> -Jeff
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