High resolution printing

Werner Lehmann lehmann at media-interactive.de
Tue Dec 9 16:31:59 UTC 2014


I'd like to print a canvas node with native printer resolution. What is 
the best way to achieve that? I suppose I can't just set the canvas 
width and height to the printer page size equivalent because at 600 DPI 
this would mean about 5000x7000px. And as far as I know a canvas this 
size can be a problem. Aand there are printers with even higher resolutions.

Should I print to a 72 DPI canvas instead, e.g. 600x850px? My content is 
not bigger than this anyway, talking about Jasperreports rendered at 72 
DPI to an AWT graphics surface. Still I'd like to make use of higher 
print resolution to get crisp text and to avoid pixel upscaling.

Looks as if it was intended to provide a "printer canvas" but I guess 
such API is not available.

Alternatively I could skip the FX printing API altogether and use AWT 
"graphics printing". Maybe it is the best option this content.

Any recommendations?


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