High resolution printing

Kevin Loverde kloverde at gmail.com
Tue Dec 9 18:12:08 UTC 2014

Doesn't Jasperreports have a PDF rendering method? That might be a simpler

On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 11:31 AM, Werner Lehmann <
lehmann at media-interactive.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'd like to print a canvas node with native printer resolution. What is
> the best way to achieve that? I suppose I can't just set the canvas width
> and height to the printer page size equivalent because at 600 DPI this
> would mean about 5000x7000px. And as far as I know a canvas this size can
> be a problem. Aand there are printers with even higher resolutions.
> Should I print to a 72 DPI canvas instead, e.g. 600x850px? My content is
> not bigger than this anyway, talking about Jasperreports rendered at 72 DPI
> to an AWT graphics surface. Still I'd like to make use of higher print
> resolution to get crisp text and to avoid pixel upscaling.
> Looks as if it was intended to provide a "printer canvas" but I guess such
> API is not available.
> https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/OpenJFX/Printing+for+JavaFX
> Alternatively I could skip the FX printing API altogether and use AWT
> "graphics printing". Maybe it is the best option this content.
> Any recommendations?
> Rgds
> Werner

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