Is this the end of support raspberrry pi?

David Hill David.Hill at
Fri Dec 19 16:46:38 UTC 2014

On 12/19/14, 1:23 AM, Ladislav Török wrote:
> In JavaFX Jira is enough bugs marked as "
> Won't Fix" lately. For example: RT-33958, RT-33959, RT-33960, RT-34735
> Is it only valid for Ensemble8 running on Raspberry Pi or support javaFX on
> Raspberry Pi?
> It's amazing that JavaFX running on Raspberry Pi:
> I am very grateful for it.
> Thanks.
> Keep it up...
It is less to do with the support of the PI, but rather a realization that we don't have the internal resources to concentrate on the samples on an embedded platforms. Ensemble8 in particular is a bit of a monster - it is very large (both for memory used and classes consumed, and then of course the index parsing it does on startup) and does a lot of things that are hard to speed up on the Pi.

Ensemble8 runs reasonably well on the i.MX6, which is closer to the platforms that that we might support commercial use on. Even there it does not make a great example of a application.

Rather than re-re-triage these sets of tasks, I reluctantly closed them, knowing that I can reopen them if and when we have the resources to do  the rework needed.


David Hill<David.Hill at>
Java Embedded Development

"A man's feet should be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey the world."
-- George Santayana (1863 - 1952)

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