Is this the end of support raspberrry pi?

Sven Reimers sven.reimers at
Fri Dec 19 17:02:11 UTC 2014

So,  the community challenge is to rewrite this beast to make it run
smoothly on a pi?
Am 19.12.2014 17:47 schrieb "David Hill" <David.Hill at>:

> On 12/19/14, 1:23 AM, Ladislav Török wrote:
>> In JavaFX Jira is enough bugs marked as "
>> Won't Fix" lately. For example: RT-33958, RT-33959, RT-33960, RT-34735
>> Is it only valid for Ensemble8 running on Raspberry Pi or support javaFX
>> on
>> Raspberry Pi?
>> It's amazing that JavaFX running on Raspberry Pi:
>> I am very grateful for it.
>> Thanks.
>> Keep it up...
> It is less to do with the support of the PI, but rather a realization that
> we don't have the internal resources to concentrate on the samples on an
> embedded platforms. Ensemble8 in particular is a bit of a monster - it is
> very large (both for memory used and classes consumed, and then of course
> the index parsing it does on startup) and does a lot of things that are
> hard to speed up on the Pi.
> Ensemble8 runs reasonably well on the i.MX6, which is closer to the
> platforms that that we might support commercial use on. Even there it does
> not make a great example of a application.
> Rather than re-re-triage these sets of tasks, I reluctantly closed them,
> knowing that I can reopen them if and when we have the resources to do  the
> rework needed.
> Dave
> --
> David Hill<David.Hill at>
> Java Embedded Development
> "A man's feet should be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey
> the world."
> -- George Santayana (1863 - 1952)

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