
Johan Vos johan at
Wed Jun 4 19:07:40 UTC 2014

As a follow-up on this: I managed to run the retrolambda process in the
gradle build for each module (rather than in the end unpacking everything).
There is still the issue with jfxrt.jar on the classpath. Since it is in
the ext directory, I can't remove it by specifying the Xbootclasspath. I
tried to prepend the Xbootclasspath in the retrolambda process with the
classes generated by openjfx, but in that case, they are loaded by the
System classloader and ignored by retrolambda.

I'll try to discuss this in the retrolambda project.

In theory, I could move jre/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar to some temporary directory,
run retrolambda and move jfxrt.jar back, but that requires root access in
most cases and it is very ugly.

Is there a better way to ignore the jfxrt.jar in the Java 8 SDK?

- Johan

2014-05-02 11:43 GMT+02:00 Johan Vos <johan at>:

> Hi,
> I was able to refactor all lambda's out of the class files of jfxrt.jar
> using RetroLambda 1.1.5-SNAPSHOT.jar (after adding the eclipse swt jar to
> the classpath and removing jfxrt.jar from the bootclasspath).
> This means that the builds for platforms that don't support invokedynamic
> should be able to work with the OpenJFX code base.
> I'll try to add the retrolambda gradle plugin somehow in the openjfx
> gradle system. As I'm not an expert with gradle, some help would be
> appreciated.
> At this moment, I simply unzipped the jfxrt.jar, removed the jfxrt.jar
> from the lib/ext directory in the Java 8 install, and executed
> java -Dretrolambda.inputDir=class
> -Dretrolambda.classpath=class:org.eclipse.swt.gtk.linux.x86_64_3.7.2.v3740f-.jar
> -Dretrolambda.outputDir=retroclass -javaagent:retrolambda.jar -jar
> retrolambda.jar
> It should be possible to optionally do this retrocompiling task during the
> build of OpenJFX. In my JavaFX-Android applications, I use
> gradle-retrolambda as follows:
> buildscript {
>   repositories {
>       mavenCentral()
>   }
>   dependencies {
>      classpath 'me.tatarka:gradle-retrolambda:1.3.0'
>   }
> }
> ...
> apply plugin: 'retrolambda'
> - Johan

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