June 2014 Archives by subject
Starting: Sun Jun 1 01:17:04 UTC 2014
Ending: Mon Jun 30 23:27:52 UTC 2014
Messages: 505
- (In)Sanity Monday...
Lisa Selle
- -fx-background-radius problem
Jeff Martin
- -fx-background-radius problem
Kevin Rushforth
- -fx-background-radius problem
Jeff Martin
- 8u-dev forest open for normal pushes <eom>
Kevin Rushforth
- 8u-dev unlocked for approved changes (rampdown rules in effect)
Kevin Rushforth
- 8u-dev unlocked for post-8u20 changes [was: IMPORTANT: Commit rules for next week's rampdown to M5]
Kevin Rushforth
- 8u20 review request: RT-36016 dirty region problems with large blurs
Jim Graham
- 8u20 review request: RT-36341 - error loading image without extension on retina Mac
Jim Graham
- 8u20 review request: RT-36891: canvas does not clear correctly with clipping
Jim Graham
- 8u20 review request: RT-37449 - use of Canvas PixelWriter leaves graphics in SRC mode
Jim Graham
- 8u20 review request: RT-37475 shadow in Ensemble8 Puzzle Pieces demo gets erased
Jim Graham
- 8u20 review request RT-37434: Canvas dimensions not synchronous if bound
Jim Graham
- [8u20] Review request: [FXCanvas, JFXPanel] NPE in Browser while pressing back/forward buttons from mouse
Stephen F Northover
- [8u20] review request: RT-35004 Sample JavaFX 8 projects from Oracle wont build on NetBeans 8.0
Lisa Selle
- [8u20] Review request: RT-35197: Use Lambda in FX runtime and samples
Stephen F Northover
- [8u20] review request: RT-35912: [Ensemble8] build.xml fails if run from generated source bundle
Kevin Rushforth
- [8u20] Review request: RT-35953: [SwingNode] Swing component in JavaFx swing node no right click event
Anthony Petrov
- [8u20] Review request: RT-36240: Drag and Drop for complex datatypes fails with JavaFX embedded in Swing
Anthony Petrov
- [8u20] Review request: RT-36361: [Accessibility] Mac: context menu hot key not working
Anthony Petrov
- [8u20] review request: RT-37266: Need unit test that calls Platform.runLater from ShutdownHook
Kevin Rushforth
- [8u20] review request: RT-37539: [Builders] Web builder classes not built unless COMPILE_WEBKIT=true
Kevin Rushforth
- [8u20] review request: RT-37592, RT-37587, RT-37589 -- whitespace and copyright headers
Kevin Rushforth
- [8u20] Review request forRT-15619: BMPImageLoader fails to correctly load an image if the input stream read(byte[] b, int off, int len) method happens to return fewer than 'len' bytes
Vadim Pakhnushev
- [8u20] Review request for RT-20295: Error loading JPG image when scaling
Vadim Pakhnushev
- [8u20] Review Request for RT-37732
Danno Ferrin
- [8u20] Review request RT-34962 Ensemble: Speed Gauge stops animation after going back to main screen
Lisa Selle
- [8u20] Review request RT-37304: [Mac] handleOnMenuValidation may not be called when using system menu bar
Anthony Petrov
- [8u26] Review Request: RT-36431 Add versioning to monocle NativePlatform/NativePlatformFactory
Lisa Selle
- [8u26] Review Request: RT-37369 [Monocle] When a child window is dismissed, the main window does not repaint right away
Lisa Selle
- [8u26] Review request RT-36915 [Monocle] Add support for minimize to monocle
Lisa Selle
- [8u26] Review request RT-36960: A switch to change between frame buffers
Daniel Blaukopf
- [8u26] Review Request RT-37377 [Monocle] Add unit test for modality
Lisa Selle
- [8u26] Review request RT-37456: [Monocle] Fold together monocle.input, monocle.util and monocle packages
Daniel Blaukopf
- [8u26] Review request RT-37508: [Monocle] Support 16-bit software-rendered framebuffer
Daniel Blaukopf
- [8u26] Review request RT-37512: [Monocle] Provide a software-rendered cursor
Daniel Blaukopf
- [8u26] Review Request RT-37513 [Monocle] Should not show an exception trace when falling back to software rendering
Lisa Selle
- [8u26] Review Request RT-37562 [Monocle] Make monocle the default javafx.platform on all ARM/Linux devices
Lisa Selle
- [8u40] API Review: Allow auto-hiding of PopupWindow on owner node press
Martin Sladecek
- [8u40] Review Request (second iteration): (RT-36510) [CSS] Reduce CssMetaData boilerplate code
David Grieve
- [8u40] Review request: (RT-36510) [CSS] Reduce CssMetaData boilerplate code
David Grieve
- [8u40] Review request: RT-37261: Mac: FileChooser.show() crashes in NSSavePanel when running in sandboxed environment
Anthony Petrov
- [8u40] Review request: RT-37261: Mac: FileChooser.show() crashes in NSSavePanel when running in sandboxed environment
David DeHaven
- [8u40] Review request for RT-37639: Gtk: dead keys don't work on European keyboard layouts
Anthony Petrov
- [8u] Review Request: (RT-23891) [HTMLEditor] content is confused during selection, styles are lost
David Grieve
- [8u] Review Request: RT-37408: [ScrollPane] incorrect preferred size when viewport pref size is specified and bar is present
David Grieve
- [8u] Review Request: RT-37420: [TableView] TableView custom TableCell with ComboBoxes not editable
David Grieve
- [API REVIEW REQUEST] RT-5747: Spinner control
Jonathan Giles
- [API REVIEW REQUEST] RT-5747: Spinner control
Stephen F Northover
- [OT] Further to my LinkedIn spam
Felix Bembrick
- Adding application-wide stylesheet
Robert Krüger
- Adding application-wide stylesheet
David Grieve
- Adding application-wide stylesheet
Robert Krüger
- All-Permissions not working properly with sun.plugin2.applet.FXAppletSecurityManager
Scott Palmer
- All-Permissions not working properly with sun.plugin2.applet.FXAppletSecurityManager
ngalarneau at ABINITIO.COM
- All-Permissions not working properly with sun.plugin2.applet.FXAppletSecurityManager
Kevin Rushforth
- All-Permissions not working properly with sun.plugin2.applet.FXAppletSecurityManager
ngalarneau at ABINITIO.COM
- All-Permissions not working properly with sun.plugin2.applet.FXAppletSecurityManager
David DeHaven
- All-Permissions not working properly with sun.plugin2.applet.FXAppletSecurityManager
ngalarneau at ABINITIO.COM
- All-Permissions not working properly with sun.plugin2.applet.FXAppletSecurityManager
David DeHaven
- API enhancement request to make stage respect scene's min size
Robert Krüger
- API enhancement request to make stage respect scene's min size
Martin Sladecek
- API enhancement request to make stage respect scene's min size
Robert Krüger
- Blurry strokes and zooming via scale transforms
Robert Fisher
- Blurry strokes and zooming via scale transforms
Tom Eugelink
- AW: Blurry strokes and zooming via scale transforms
Robert Fisher
- Blurry strokes and zooming via scale transforms
John Smith
- Blurry strokes and zooming via scale transforms
Robert Fisher
- Bug in PopupMenu
theUser BL
- Bug in PopupMenu
theUser BL
- Bug in PopupMenu
Kevin Rushforth
- Bug in PopupMenu
David Grieve
- Building WebKit natives with debug symbols on 32 bit Linux
Peter Levart
- Bundler question for Mac OS X...
Tony Anecito
- Bundler question for Mac OS X...
Anthony Petrov
- Bundler question for Mac OS X...
Danno Ferrin
- Bundler question for Mac OS X...
Tony Anecito
- Bundler question for Mac OS X...
Tony Anecito
- Bundler question for Mac OS X...
Danno Ferrin
- Bundler question for Mac OS X...
Tony Anecito
- Bundler question for Mac OS X...
Tony Anecito
- Bundler question for Mac OS X...
Tony Anecito
- Bundler question for Mac OS X...
Tony Anecito
- Change of crosstools for arm builds
David Hill
- Change of crosstools for arm builds
David Hill
- Copyright year update [was: hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37588: Update copyright header for files modified in 2014]
Kevin Rushforth
- Deserializing javafx.event.EventType
Kay McCormick
- Deserializing javafx.event.EventType
Martin Sladecek
- Dialogs in JavaFX
Jonathan Giles
- Dialogs in JavaFX
Stephen F Northover
- Dialogs in JavaFX
Jeff Martin
- Dialogs in JavaFX
Stephen F Northover
- Dialogs in JavaFX
Jeff Martin
- Dialogs in JavaFX
Jonathan Giles
- Done with weekly JavaFX 8u20 testing
Kevin Rushforth
- Double skin addition
Randahl Fink Isaksen
- Double skin addition
Tomas Mikula
- Exposing native surface or opengl handle
Robert Krüger
- Exposing native surface or opengl handle
Felix Bembrick
- Exposing native surface or opengl handle
Scott Palmer
- Exposing native surface or opengl handle
Tobias Bley
- Exposing native surface or opengl handle
Hervé Girod
- Exposing native surface or opengl handle
Robert Krüger
- Exposing native surface or opengl handle
Stephen F Northover
- Exposing native surface or opengl handle
Robert Krüger
- Exposing native surface or opengl handle
Matthias Hänel
- Exposing native surface or opengl handle
John Smith
- Exposing native surface or opengl handle
John Hendrikx
- Exposing native surface or opengl handle
Robert Krüger
- Exposing native surface or opengl handle
Matthias Hänel
- Extending a Region to create a JUNG Layout
Danno Ferrin
- Extending a Region to create a JUNG Layout
Sven Reimers
- Extending a Region to create a JUNG Layout
Sven Reimers
- Extending a Region to create a JUNG Layout
Jeffrey Guenther
- Extending a Region to create a JUNG Layout
Danno Ferrin
- Formatted text field API (RT-14000, RT-30881)
Martin Sladecek
- Formatted text field API (RT-14000, RT-30881)
Martin Sladecek
- Formatted text field API (RT-14000, RT-30881)
Martin Sladecek
- Formatted text field API (RT-14000, RT-30881)
Scott Palmer
- Formatted text field API (RT-14000, RT-30881)
Martin Sladecek
- Fwd: All-Permissions not working properly with sun.plugin2.applet.FXAppletSecurityManager
Scott Palmer
- Fwd: All-Permissions not working properly with sun.plugin2.applet.FXAppletSecurityManager
Kevin Rushforth
- Fwd: All-Permissions not working properly with sun.plugin2.applet.FXAppletSecurityManager
Scott Palmer
- Fwd: All-Permissions not working properly with sun.plugin2.applet.FXAppletSecurityManager
Kevin Rushforth
- Fwd: All-Permissions not working properly with sun.plugin2.applet.FXAppletSecurityManager
Kevin Rushforth
- FXMLLoader <?import?> checking code conventions too much?
Guillaume Anctil
- FXMLLoader <?import?> checking code conventions too much?
Stephen F Northover
- FXMLLoader <?import?> checking code conventions too much?
Martin Sladecek
- FXMLLoader <?import?> checking code conventions too much?
Stephen F Northover
- FXMLLoader <?import?> checking code conventions too much?
Martin Sladecek
- FXMLLoader <?import?> checking code conventions too much?
Jim Graham
- FXMLLoader <?import?> checking code conventions too much?
Stephen F Northover
- Getting notification of updates to JDK bugs
Kevin Rushforth
- hg: openjfx/2u/dev/rt: Added tag 2.2.80-b01 for changeset 861ad6a6305c
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/2u/master/rt: 123 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
steve.x.northover at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 3 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 3 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 3 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 4 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 4 new changesets
lisa.selle at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 5 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 6 new changesets
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [Accessibility] Always check for GetEnv()==NULL (just in case... see IRawElementProviderAdviseEvents)
felipe.heidrich at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [Accessibility] Change Attribute.ENABLED to Attribute.DISABLED (so match JavaFX name Node#isDisabled())
felipe.heidrich at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [Accessibility] Change Attribute.ENABLED to Attribute.DISABLED - missed ContextMenuContent.java
felipe.heidrich at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [Accessibility] Define title, description, and help
felipe.heidrich at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [Accessibility] Follow-up of RT-37609. More bad casts in GlassTextRangeProvider.cpp
felipe.heidrich at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [Accessibility] improve comments to MacAccessible.java
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [Accessibility] Make VO say list, instead of table, when reading a ListView
felipe.heidrich at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [Accessibility] refactoring getContainer() variations
felipe.heidrich at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [Accessibility] Removing DISCLOSURE_NODE role
felipe.heidrich at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [Accessibility] Rename Roles to use underline where the JavaFX uses camelCase
felipe.heidrich at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [Accessibility] Replace Attributes.MENU_ITEM_TYPE with Roles RADIO_MENU_ITEM, CHECK_MENU_ITEM, and MENU
felipe.heidrich at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [Accessibility] restricted method visibility
felipe.heidrich at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [Accessibility] Very rudimentary a11y support for TextFlow (note that TextFlow currently is not used by Controls, better support will be required is that ever changes)
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [Accessibility] WinAccessible#Navigate() was quite inneficient for next/previous sibling navigation. It had to traverse the parent starting at index zero to find the current child before it can know the next sibling. Since next sibling travesral is usually sequencial, by remembering the index for the last child it sets up for the next call to next sibling to start at the right location in the list
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [ACCESSIBILITY ONLY] Remove unnecessary ROLE code
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [BUILD/DOC] update armhf toolchain builder script, add armsf script.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [BUILD] adding include file to fix errors in monocle
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [BUILD] correct dup line error in x86egl.gradle
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [CLEANUP] Update copyright year to 2014 in properties files
kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [COMMENT-ONLY] removed obsolete comment after RT-37752 fix
martin.sladecek at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [doc-only] Fix RT-3149: description of strokeDashArray is unclear
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [doc-only] Fix RT-32425: remove confusing documentation about strokeText drawing text relative to top left corner
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [doc-only] Fix RT-36514: Clarify that StrokeType.INNER and OUTER not defined for unclosed paths.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [doc-only] Fix RT-37611: GraphicsContext methods are poorly documented.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [doc-only] Fix RT-7993: Specify behavior for negative arcWidth/Height values in Rectangle
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [JAVADOC-ONLY] RT-33600 [Timeline, Javadoc]: Javadocs should be more clear on references made and other things
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [JAVADOC] RT-37485 Javadoc is confusing for javafx.animation.Timeline
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [JAVADOC ONLY] RT-36510: reduce CssMetaData boilerplate
david.grieve at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [SCENEBUILDER] Fix DTL-6654 : Issue with file names with underscore (_)
sandra.lions-piron at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [SCENEBUILDER] Fix DTL-6723 : Clicking a stop in ColorPicker dismisses the popup
sandra.lions-piron at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [SCENEBUILDER] Fix DTL-6724 : Selecting an Effect in the EffectsPicker dismisses the popup
sandra.lions-piron at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [SCENEBUILDER] Fix for DTL-6700 (SceneBuilder does not open FXML with fx:script).
eric.le.ponner at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [SCENEBUILDER] Fix for DTL-6710: CSS Analyzer: css properties values are overriden by the children
jerome.cambon at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [SCENEBUILDER] Fix for DTL-6735: A splitter shows up even when there is no search pattern setup in InspectorPanelController
jerome.cambon at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [SCENEBUILDER] Silence a compilation warning in sample code
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [SCENEBUILDER] Small tuning of sample code
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [TEST-ONLY] Add missing import statements to fix broken test.
lisa.selle at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [TEST] RT-37752 Unit test failure in Snapshot1Test after fix for RT-17716
martin.sladecek at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [Tests] Fixed imports in ModalDialogTest broken by changeset: 7349:3fa3f3d53510
daniel.blaukopf at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [TESTS] RT-36184 Add tests for custom TraversalEngines that were introduced in RT-36065
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [Unit Tests] Excluding Rotate and ScrollThreshold tests on Windows and Mac
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: ECLIPSE ONLY: fix project files to use tests instead of rt-tests
steve.x.northover at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: ECLIPSE ONLY: restore project file of rt
steve.x.northover at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Fixed build path in Eclipse metadata for the AirportApp sample of SceneBuilder
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Fixed RT-37209) [Printing] NPE when showing print dialog
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Fix for RT-34962 Ensemble: Speed Gauge stops animation after going back to main screen
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Fix for RT-35004 - Sample JavaFX 8 projects from Oracle wont build on NetBeans 8.0
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Fix for RT-36431 Add versioning to monocle NativePlatform/NativePlatformFactory
lisa.selle at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Fix for RT-37369 [Monocle] When a child window is dismissed, the main window does not repaint right away
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Fix for RT-37513 [Monocle] Should not show an exception trace when falling back to software rendering
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Fix for RT-37562 [Monocle] Make monocle the default javafx.platform on all ARM/Linux devices
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Fix RT-36016: Dirty region (actually clipping) problems on blurs with large radii
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Fix RT-36341: Loading image with no extension on retina Mac gets index OOB exception
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Fix RT-37475: InnerShadow in Ensemble8 Puzzle Pieces gets erased.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Follow-up for RT-32213: Use ImageTools.readFully method.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Implemet inertia for rotate gesture
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: INTELLIJ ONLY: fix project files to compile code in rt/tests (match Eclipse)
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-15619: BMPImageLoader fails to correctly load an image if the input stream read(byte[] b, int off, int len) method happens to return fewer than 'len' bytes
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-17716 Some controls can only be created on the FX application thread
martin.sladecek at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-20295: Error loading JPG image when scaling
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-23891: update toolbar state only on mouse release
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-32213: Decoding BMP file throws an exception
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-35197: Use Lambda in FX runtime and samples
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-35473 [Monocle] Allow specifying the VNC port (required to allow simultaneous tests in Jenkins)
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-35628: Application Bundlers
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-35729 [Monocle/TESTS] Swipe does not work on Monocle in HelloSanity
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-35912: [Ensemble8] build.xml fails if run from generated source bundle
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36240: Drag and Drop for complex datatypes fails with JavaFX embedded in Swing
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36335: [Accessibility] Hide prototype API
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36361: [Accessibility] Mac: context menu hot key not working
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36510: reduce CssMetaData boilerplate
david.grieve at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36545: Implemet inertia for zoom gesture
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36547: Implement inertia for Scroll gesture
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36833: [ColorPicker] NLS: over translated message for Korean in controls_ko.properties file.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36844 [Monocle] Implement modality support for monocle
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36960 [Monocle] A switch to change between frame buffers
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37048, RT-37153, RT-36242 switch over to a new ARM cross toolchain to solve multiple library issues
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37140: Unit tests for inertia of rotate gesture
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37153 fixing include path for ARM sf and media
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37156 [Layout] Textarea can not be seen in the application
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37185: [Menu] In a huge menu, the upward scrolling arrow stops working (regression)
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37220: HelloSanity: Adding gesture test-cases (includes usage of scroll, rotate and zoom)
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37254: Hook up SceneBuilder samples for building and later for supporting insanity testing
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37296: adding native lens dalvik files
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37297: [Accessibility, Windows] Next item (caps_lock+arrow_left) does not work well on List
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37304: [Mac] handleOnMenuValidation may not be called when using system menu bar
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37313 [EnsembleApp, Hyperlink] Links draw as '...' until mouse is hovered over them (regression)
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37341: Ensemble8: TextField can not change its color
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37373 [Unit Tests] - Intermittent failure in com.sun.glass.ui.monocle.input.RotateTest
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37380: [TreeTable] HelloTreeTableView - some tree items intermittently require double-click to expand or collapse
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37384: SERVICE_HINT option is broken in OEL
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37385: [Font] Two Font.loadFont calls on OSX returns null second time a font is loaded
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37392: TableView's columns auto-resize if a CSS class is added/removed on MouseEnter/Exit of a wrapping pane
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37395: TreeTableView's selectedItems reports changes that include null items when when a TreeItem is collapsed.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37396: [CSS] pseudo-class state not taking effect
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37402: Allow Windows MSI Bundler productVersion to differ from the general version
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37408: [ScrollPane] incorrect preferred size when viewport pref size is specified and bar is present
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37409 [DatePicker, RTL, Regression] RTL DatePicker drop down positioned in the wrong place after changing showWeekNumbers property (regression)
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37420: [TableView] TableView custom TableCell with ComboBoxes not editable
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37421: [TreeView] TreeView layout regression
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37425: [Monocle] key events on udev input path don't work correctly on odroid
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37429: [TreeTable] An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown when calling getAddedSubList on a Change from TreeTableView's selectedItems.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37431 [KeyCode] Wrong key code report for dead circumflex using KeyCode.getKeyCode(String name)
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37436: [FXCanvas, JFXPanel] NPE in Browser while pressing back/forward buttons from mouse
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37447: Update javapackager / javafxpackager man pages for 8u20
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37447: Update javapackager / javafxpackager man pages for 8u20
kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37456 [Monocle] Fold together monocle.input, monocle.util and monocle packages
daniel.blaukopf at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37483 : [Embedded] null pointer exception in HelloListView
rafi.tayar at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37492 refactor Glass KeyEvent.getKeyCodeForChar moving impl to Application for ease of overriding in Java
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37502: [TreeView] StackOverflow when overriding TreeItem getChildren() method with selection set
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37503 [FXML] FXMLLoader does not set attributes annotated @FXML for controllers with protected visibility
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37507 [Android, FXML] JavaFXBuilderFactory contains a call to Constructor.getParameters
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37514: [Monocle] implement Application.getKeyCodeForChar
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37527: [TESTS/Monocle]: Unit test for framebuffer overflow
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37529: [Android] Boolean.hashCode(boolean) reference to JDK8 causes compile failure on Android
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37530: [Accessibility] Support JAWS
felipe.heidrich at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37536: [Accessibility] Put a11y code back
felipe.heidrich at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37538: TableView SelectionModel selected items listener can cause an infinite loop.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37548: TabPaneSkin keeps reference to Tab after closing the last one
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37549: Ability to produce a DMG from an APP seems broken
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37549: Ability to produce a DMG from an APP seems broken
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37558, RT-37373, RT-37139, RT-37138 - Fixing and adding different unit tests for inertia feature
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37565: [Linux] Unit test run dies with too many open files
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37588: Update copyright header for files modified in 2014
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37590:[Tests] Work around Eclipse compiler difference
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37593: [TreeTable] TreeTable item selection causes a NullPointerException (regression).
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37594: Make lens build optional
david.hill at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37598 [Monocle] event.getCharacter() is not always retrieving correct char
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37599: Creation of a DMG from an APP is broken (scpt fails)
danno.ferrin at shemnon.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37608: [Android] updating dalvikInput.c
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37609: [Accessibility, JAWS] Enhanced text support for JAWS
felipe.heidrich at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37610: [Accessibility, JAWS] Fix TableView
felipe.heidrich at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37617-[Unit Tests] RotateTest and ScrollThresholdTest failed on Mac and Windows
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37639: Gtk: dead keys don't work on European keyboard layouts
anthony.petrov at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37662: [Accessibility] Define title, description, and help
felipe.heidrich at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37662: [Accessibility] Define title, description, and help
felipe.heidrich at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37668 FilteredList reports a size of zero until a Predicate is supplied.
martin.sladecek at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37699: fix conditionalFeatures tags for Ensemble samples
david.hill at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37702: [Accessibility] enable a11y by default on supported platforms
felipe.heidrich at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37704: [Regression, Linux] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when trying to open HTMLEditor font name combobox.
felipe.heidrich at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37707 [Monocle] Software cursor is too transparent
daniel.blaukopf at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37709 SwipeTest fails occasionally
daniel.blaukopf at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37732:[packager] Default argument lambdas should be well behaved
danno.ferrin at shemnon.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37733: restore Monocle GetEvent as a stand alone diagnostic
david.hill at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37736: Update Java FX release version from 8u20 to 8u40 in 8u-dev forest. Reviewed by kcr.
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37744: [Accessibility] Handle TITLE consistently for Labeled
felipe.heidrich at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37751: [Accessibility API] remove getAccessible() and the Accessible
felipe.heidrich at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Sync up SceneBuilder changes
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Take public off StyleablePropertyFactory pending further review of RT-36501: Reduce CssMetaData boilerplate code
david.grieve at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Take public off StyleablePropertyFactory pending further review of RT-36501: Reduce CssMetaData boilerplate code
Tom Schindl
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Take public off StyleablePropertyFactory pending further review of RT-36501: Reduce CssMetaData boilerplate code
Stephen F Northover
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Take public off StyleablePropertyFactory pending further review of RT-36501: Reduce CssMetaData boilerplate code
Tom Schindl
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Take public off StyleablePropertyFactory pending further review of RT-36501: Reduce CssMetaData boilerplate code
Stephen F Northover
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Take public off StyleablePropertyFactory pending further review of RT-36501: Reduce CssMetaData boilerplate code
Stephen F Northover
- hg: openjfx/8u/rt: 57 new changesets
kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u/rt: Added tag 8u20-b20 for changeset c771f928a886
hang.vo at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u/rt: RT-37447: Update javapackager / javafxpackager man pages for 8u20
kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u20/rt: RT-37447: Update javapackager / javafxpackager man pages for 8u20
kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
- hg: openjfx/8u20/rt: RT-37704: [Regression, Linux] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when trying to open HTMLEditor font name combobox.
kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
- How to scale control properly?
Rafal Leibzig
- How to scale control properly?
Martin Sladecek
- How to scale control properly?
Rafal Leibzig
- How to scale control properly?
Richard Bair
- How to scale control properly?
Martin Sladecek
- IMPORTANT: Commit rules for next week's rampdown to M5
Kevin Rushforth
- IMPORTANT: Commit rules for next week's rampdown to M5
Kevin Rushforth
- In(Sanity) Testing Mondays
Lisa Selle
- Integrating JFX Dialog/Stage in Swing application
Anthony Petrov
- Invitation to connect on LinkedIn
Pawel Gronkiewicz
- Is JavaFX keyboard event handling too rigid?
Randahl Fink Isaksen
- Is JavaFX keyboard event handling too rigid?
Tomas Mikula
- Is JavaFX keyboard event handling too rigid?
Stephen F Northover
- JavaFX at JavaOne 2014
Felix Bembrick
- JavaFX at JavaOne 2014
Felix Bembrick
- JavaFX at JavaOne 2014
Pedro Duque Vieira
- JavaFX at JavaOne 2014
- JavaFX at JavaOne 2014
Johan Vos
- JavaFX at JavaOne 2014
Pedro Duque Vieira
- JavaFX at JavaOne 2014
Felix Bembrick
- JavaFX at JavaOne 2014
Mike Hearn
- JavaFX at JavaOne 2014
Felix Bembrick
- JavaFX at JavaOne 2014
Pedro Duque Vieira
- JavaFX at JavaOne 2014
Herve Girod
- JavaFX at JavaOne 2014
Jeff Martin
- JavaFX at JavaOne 2014
Mike Hearn
- JavaFX at JavaOne 2014
John Smith
- JavaFX at JavaOne 2014
Scott Palmer
- JavaFX at JavaOne 2014
Johan Vos
- JavaFX at JavaOne 2014
John Smith
- JavaFX at JavaOne 2014
Johan Vos
- Keyboard input testing report for 8u20
Anthony Petrov
- Label baseline offset with a graphic
Werner Lehmann
- Label baseline offset with a graphic
Martin Sladecek
- Label baseline offset with a graphic
Werner Lehmann
- Large Image Export
Danno Ferrin
- Large Image Export
Kevin Rushforth
- Large Image Export
Kevin Rushforth
- Large Image Export
Danno Ferrin
- Large Image Export
Kevin Rushforth
- Large Image Export
Stephen F Northover
- Large Image Export
Kevin Rushforth
- monitor mouse events but not capture them
Tom Eugelink
- monitor mouse events but not capture them
Martin Sladecek
- monitor mouse events but not capture them
Tom Eugelink
- monitor mouse events but not capture them
Martin Sladecek
- monitor mouse events but not capture them
Tom Eugelink
- monitor mouse events but not capture them
Martin Sladecek
- monitor mouse events but not capture them
Tom Eugelink
- monitor mouse events but not capture them
Tom Eugelink
- monitor mouse events but not capture them
Martin Sladecek
- monitor mouse events but not capture them
Tom Eugelink
- monitor mouse events but not capture them
Tomas Mikula
- monitor mouse events but not capture them
Tom Eugelink
- monitor mouse events but not capture them
Tomas Mikula
- monitor mouse events but not capture them
Tomas Mikula
- monitor mouse events but not capture them
Tom Eugelink
- monitor mouse events but not capture them
Tomas Mikula
- monitor mouse events but not capture them
Tomas Mikula
- monitor mouse events but not capture them
Tom Eugelink
- monitor mouse events but not capture them
Tom Eugelink
- monitor mouse events but not capture them
Tomas Mikula
- monitor mouse events but not capture them
Tom Eugelink
- monitor mouse events but not capture them
Tom Eugelink
- monocle docs
Johan Vos
- monocle docs
Daniel Blaukopf
- New alias for hg commit notifications?
Kevin Rushforth
- New alias for hg commit notifications?
Stephen F Northover
- New alias for hg commit notifications?
Anthony Petrov
- New alias for hg commit notifications?
Werner Lehmann
- New alias for hg commit notifications?
Phil Race
- New alias for hg commit notifications?
Ralf Spathelf
- New alias for hg commit notifications?
Philipp Dörfler
- New alias for hg commit notifications?
John Smith
- New bundler in 8u20 question...
Tony Anecito
- New bundler in 8u20 question...
Danno Ferrin
- New bundler in 8u20 question...
Mike Hearn
- New bundler in 8u20 question...
Tony Anecito
- New bundler in 8u20 question...
Danno Ferrin
- New bundler in 8u20 question...
Danno Ferrin
- New bundler in 8u20 question...
Tony Anecito
- New bundler in 8u20 question...
Danno Ferrin
- New skinning in FX8 – where do the style classes go
Randahl Fink Isaksen
- New skinning in FX8 – where do the style classes go
Werner Lehmann
- Node lookup with TabPane
- Node lookup with TabPane
Jonathan Giles
- OpenJFX 8u20 stabilization repo
Kevin Rushforth
- please review: RT-36335: [Accessibility] Hide prototype API
Felipe Heidrich
- please review: RT-37536: [Accessibility] Put a11y code back
Felipe Heidrich
- Post commit notification: RT-36545: Implement inertia for Zoom gesture
Seeon Birger
- Post commit notification: RT-36546: Implement inertia for Rotate gesture
Seeon Birger
- Post commit notification: RT-36547 - Implement inertia for Scroll gesture
Seeon Birger
- Proportional TableColumn resizing
Kirill Kirichenko
- Proportional TableColumn resizing
Jonathan Giles
- Reminder: committing changesets
Kevin Rushforth
- Resizing stage creates delays in platform.runLater pool?
Guillaume Anctil
- Resizing stage creates delays in platform.runLater pool?
Richard Bair
- Resizing stage creates delays in platform.runLater pool?
Guillaume Anctil
- Resizing stage creates delays in platform.runLater pool?
Anthony Petrov
- Resizing stage creates delays in platform.runLater pool?
Guillaume Anctil
- Resizing stage creates delays in platform.runLater pool?
Stephen F Northover
- Resizing stage creates delays in platform.runLater pool?
Werner Lehmann
- Resizing stage creates delays in platform.runLater pool?
Stephen F Northover
- Resizing stage creates delays in platform.runLater pool?
Werner Lehmann
- retrolambda
Johan Vos
- retrolambda
Richard Bair
- retrolambda
Kevin Rushforth
- review: Refactoring KeyEvent.getKeyCodeForChar
David Hill
- review for Ensemble @conditionalFeature additions
David Hill
- review for https://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-37552
David Hill
- Review for monocle robot
David Hill
- Review request : RT-34913 TextField in Ensemble 8 appears too narrow to fit characters with descenders
Rafi Tayar
- Review Request : RT-34933 Ensemble: some samples have too small edit boxes
Rafi Tayar
- Review request: RT-37474 [Monocle] Shift-backspace generates an undefined key code
Daniel Blaukopf
- Review request : RT-37483 : [Embedded] null pointer exception in HelloListView
Rafi Tayar
- Review request for adding capability to disable Lens builds
David Hill
- RFR: Fix RT-37209: NPE showing print dialog
Phil Race
- RichTextFX news
Tomas Mikula
- SceneBuilder 2.0 import custom components from Ja
Lidierth, Malcolm
- SceneBuilder 2.0 import custom components from Ja
Tom Schindl
- SceneBuilder 2.0 import custom components from Ja
Lidierth Malcolm
- SceneBuilder 2.0 import custom components from Jar
- SceneBuilder 2.0 import custom components from Jar
Jonathan Giles
- SceneBuilder 2.0 import custom components from Jar
Eric Le Ponner
- ScrollPane.content moves with arrow keys
Werner Lehmann
- ScrollPane.content moves with arrow keys
Eric Le Ponner
- ScrollPane.content moves with arrow keys
Werner Lehmann
- SnapCode is the first and only pure JavaFX IDE
Jeff Martin
- SnapCode is the first and only pure JavaFX IDE
Artem Ananiev
- Testing accessibility / sample apps
Jann Schneider
- Testing accessibility / sample apps
Felipe Heidrich
- Testing accessibility / sample apps
Felipe Heidrich
- Testing accessibility / sample apps
Stephen F Northover
- Testing accessibility / sample apps
Jann Schneider
- Testing accessibility / sample apps
Stephen F Northover
- Testing accessibility / sample apps
Kevin Rushforth
- Testing accessibility / sample apps
Jann Schneider
- Testing accessibility / sample apps
Kevin Rushforth
- Testing accessibility / sample apps
Stephen F Northover
- Testing accessibility / sample apps
Jann Schneider
- Testing accessibility / sample apps
Stephen F Northover
- Testing accessibility / sample apps
Kevin Rushforth
- Testing accessibility / sample apps
Jann Schneider
- Testing accessibility / sample apps
Jann Schneider
- Testing accessibility / sample apps
Kevin Rushforth
- Testing accessibility / sample apps
Felipe Heidrich
- Testing accessibility / sample apps
Jann Schneider
- Testing accessibility / sample apps
Felipe Heidrich
- Testing accessibility / sample apps
Jann Schneider
- Testing accessibility / sample apps
Kevin Rushforth
- Testing accessibility / sample apps
Jann Schneider
- Testing accessibility / sample apps
Tom Schindl
- Testing accessibility / sample apps
Kevin Rushforth
- Testing accessibility / sample apps
Stephen F Northover
- Testing accessibility / sample apps
Kevin Rushforth
- Testing accessibility / sample apps
Felipe Heidrich
- Tutorials for Custom Controls?
Florian Brunner
- Tutorials for Custom Controls?
Jonathan Giles
- Tutorials for Custom Controls?
Jonathan Giles
- Ugly flashing when opening a css-styled stage
Robert Krüger
- Ugly flashing when opening a css-styled stage
Jeff Martin
- Ugly flashing when opening a css-styled stage
Robert Krüger
- Ugly flashing when opening a css-styled stage
Tom Schindl
- Ugly flashing when opening a css-styled stage
Robert Krüger
- Ugly flashing when opening a css-styled stage
Anthony Petrov
- Ugly flashing when opening a css-styled stage
Robert Krüger
- VisibleBounds
Jeff Martin
- VisibleBounds
Jeff Martin
- VisibleBounds
Stephen F Northover
- VisibleBounds
Jeff Martin
- Warning Could not resolve CSS
Jeff Martin
- Warning Could not resolve CSS
David Grieve
- Warning Could not resolve CSS
Jeff Martin
- Warning Could not resolve CSS
David Grieve
- Warning Could not resolve CSS
Jeff Martin
- WebView and Dygraph
- WebView and Dygraph
Anthony Petrov
- Windows updates might damage the build
Jann Schneider
- Windows updates might damage the build
Kevin Rushforth
Last message date:
Mon Jun 30 23:27:52 UTC 2014
Archived on: Mon Jun 30 23:27:58 UTC 2014
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).