monitor mouse events but not capture them

Martin Sladecek martin.sladecek at
Mon Jun 9 08:41:17 UTC 2014

Oh, I see. So it's not a PopupWindow at all.
Events can pass only though parent-child hierarchy, so you can't catch 
an Event in your "circular menu" pane and then pass it to some other 
children of the parent StackPane. The menu pane would have to be parent 
of the controls in the StackPane.
So again, you'd need RT-20184 to determine the target again by 
temporarily making the menu pane mouse transparent, doing Scene.pick and 
then redirecting the Event by Event.fireEvent().

But I think reworking you menu to be a PopupWindow should work. The 
transparent areas in the circular menu should pass mouse events to the 
underlying window.


On 06/09/2014 10:20 AM, Tom Eugelink wrote:
> Or to see in in action with a single java -jar statement, download the 
> samples from.
> On 2014-6-9 10:13, Martin Sladecek wrote:
>> OK, so to avoid further confusion, you have a PopupWindow with a Pane 
>> and you want to capture Events on the Pane and sent those events to 
>> the underlying controls (in a parent window) if those events are not 
>> relevant to that popup?
>> Thanks,
>> -Martin
>> On 06/09/2014 10:07 AM, Tom Eugelink wrote:
>>> Hm, maybe I chose bad words; I'm not using Canvas, but just a Pane. 
>>> Since the Pane is only used to draw the menu on when it need to 
>>> appear, I'm calling it the canvas pane, as in "what is painted on".
>>> On 2014-6-9 9:46, Martin Sladecek wrote:
>>>> Just looked at the code and it seems Canvas does pick on bounds 
>>>> independently of the pickOnBounds value. There's currently no logic 
>>>> for picking only when over an opaque pixel ( worth filing a JIRA 
>>>> issue maybe?). This makes Canvas to consume everything as it's 
>>>> always picked instead of some controls underneath.
>>>> Unfortunately, I can't think of any solution that would work right 
>>>> now. If we'd support Node picking 
>>>> (, it would be 
>>>> possible to "redirect" an unwanted event to a different event 
>>>> target on that mouse position.
>>>> -Martin
>>>> On 06/09/2014 08:44 AM, Tom Eugelink wrote:
>>>>> Yessss. It does not work on the canvas pane, I suspect because of 
>>>>> the pickOnBounds, but it does work on the stackpane. Plus, I can 
>>>>> register to the stack pane without claiming the onMouseClick/Press 
>>>>> hook.
>>>>> Many thanks!
>>>>> Tom
>>>>> On 2014-6-9 8:29, Martin Sladecek wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Tom,
>>>>>> have you tried .addEventFilter() method? It receives the Event 
>>>>>> before the controls underneath the canvas, in the capturing 
>>>>>> phase. If you don't consume the Event, it should pass down to the 
>>>>>> controls.
>>>>>> For more on the topic, see 
>>>>>> or 
>>>>>> -Martin
>>>>>> On 06/09/2014 08:19 AM, Tom Eugelink wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>> Maybe someone has solved this already, so I thought I pop the 
>>>>>>> question. Currently I'm working on CirclePopupMenu; a menu that 
>>>>>>> is supposed to pop up on any place in a scene when a certain 
>>>>>>> (usually the middle or right) mouse button is pressed.
>>>>>>> Right now CirclePopupMenu requires a stackpane to which it binds 
>>>>>>> itself. CirclePopupMenu initially places an empty "canvas" Pane 
>>>>>>> on the stack pane, and will use that to render and position the 
>>>>>>> menu when it needs to appear.
>>>>>>> Also I need to monitor the mouse to detect if the menu should 
>>>>>>> appear. In order to do that, I would like to use that canvas 
>>>>>>> pane, but then any non relevant button clicks will not reach the 
>>>>>>> underlying controls. In order to enable correct behavior I need 
>>>>>>> to setPickOnBounds(false) on the pane, but then it does receive 
>>>>>>> the mouse events anymore.
>>>>>>> Is there any way to monitor mouse events but still pass them 
>>>>>>> through to the underlying controls? In Swing I did something 
>>>>>>> similar and used a system level mouse event hook.
>>>>>>> Tom
>>>>>>> PS: I'm not certain if the stackpane approach I've used is the 
>>>>>>> best way to do this. It does work expect the mouse button 
>>>>>>> problem. But any suggestions are welcome.

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