
Stephen F Northover steve.x.northover at
Wed Jun 11 14:37:47 UTC 2014

This seems like a good enhancement request.  Please enter a JIRA for it.


On 2014-06-11, 10:17 AM, Jeff Martin wrote:
> Below is my poor man's getVisibleBounds. I'm using this so that my custom text pane only needs to add child nodes for lines of text that are visible - similar to how ListView and friends only add cell nodes for visible items. I hope I'm on the right track - I was surprised that my web search for getVisibleBounds() came up so empty. If nobody points out my idiocy, I'm going to put this in a blog.
> jeff
> /**
>   * Returns the visible bounds for a node based on ancestor clips (or null if no clipping found).
>   */
> public static Bounds getVisibleBounds(Node aNode)
> {
>      // Get parent visible bounds (if set, convert to local)
>      Bounds bounds = aNode.getParent()!=null? getVisibleBounds(aNode.getParent()) : null;
>      if(bounds!=null) { if(!bounds.isEmpty()) bounds = aNode.parentToLocal(bounds); else return bounds; }
>      // If node has clip, get clip local bounds (intersected with parent visible bounds if present)
>      if(aNode.getClip()!=null) { Node clip = aNode.getClip(); Bounds cb = clip.getBoundsInLocal();
>          bounds = bounds!=null? getIntersectingBounds(cb, bounds) : cb; }
>      // Return node visible bounds
>      return bounds;
> }
> /**
>   * Returns the intersection bounds of two bounds.
>   */
> public static Bounds getIntersectingBounds(Bounds b1, Bounds b2)
> {
>      if(!b1.intersects(b2)) return new BoundingBox(0,0,-1,-1);
>      double minx = Math.max(b1.getMinX(), b2.getMinX());
>      double miny = Math.max(b1.getMinY(), b2.getMinY());
>      double maxx = Math.min(b1.getMaxX(), b2.getMaxX());
>      double maxy = Math.min(b1.getMaxY(), b2.getMaxY());
>      return new BoundingBox(minx, miny, maxx-minx, maxy-miny);
> }
> On Jun 10, 2014, at 6:59 PM, Jeff Martin <jeff at> wrote:
>> What is the JFX equivalent of JComponent.getVisibleRect() - and is there a way to get a notification when it changes?
>> jeff

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