Exposing native surface or opengl handle

Tobias Bley tobi at ultramixer.com
Fri Jun 13 12:08:58 UTC 2014

Hi Robert,

thank you for pushing this topic again :)

For our work we need a way to share the OpenGL context between JavaFX 
code and native code so that we can render stuff from native code into 
the JavaFX context.

Another question and need is to how to share a context in JavaFX? How is 
it possible to render the same JavaFX node in OpenGL / graphics device 
twice? Imagine to show a webcam image on two different positions within 
a JavaFX app. With pure native OpenGL you could do this via "Context 
Sharing". But how to do it in JavaFX?

Best regards,

Am 13.06.14 08:57, schrieb Robert Krüger:
> Hi,
> it has been discussed a number of time in the passed but let me
> quickly summarize:
> A number of people have requested a feature that provides the ability
> to have native code draw into a surface provided by a JavaFX
> application as fast as technically possible, i.e. with no indirection
> or copying because use cases for this were mostly cases where
> performance was critical, e.g. HD/UHD video players, real-time
> visualization etc. where losing even e few percent would make a
> software written in JavaFX unable to compete with native products
> (e.g. in the video area nobody will use a video player that is not
> able to play the content smoothly that VLC player or Quicktime can on
> the same machine). Some people already have libraries of native code
> that they have built over the years and would like to reuse. I would
> even go so far to say that our product will probably never be able to
> move to JFX (apart from mixing it a bit with Swing, which we currently
> see rather aa a migration strategy and not as the end result) without
> this problem solved.
> In the past the reactions/signals from the Oracle team in this respect
> were mixed but some of it indicated that this topic was discussed in
> the past and might be revisited after the release of JFX 8. Now that
> the latter has happened I would like to ask what the plans for this
> are.
> Is there a Jira Issue where we can track the progress of it?
> If not, does it make sense if I open one, so people (probably the same
> ones that have participated in these discussions in the past like
> Scott and the Ultramixer guys etc.) can collect their
> requirements/thoughts?
> Even if Oracle should decide not to do something about it, it would
> still be nice to get pointers in the code base to where this would be
> possible, even if it is non-portable. I know that for our product it
> would be totally OK to have different ways of doing this for each
> platform and to live with the limitation to not be able to manipulate
> the result in the FX scene graph apart from that the position of the
> surface moving with the hosting FX node and as far as I have
> understood others, it is the same for them.
> Maybe a Jira issue could also be a good place to bundle information
> about approaches interested parties are willing to pursue.
> Thoughts anyone?
> Robert

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