New bundler in 8u20 question...

Tony Anecito adanecito at
Mon Jun 16 02:01:33 UTC 2014

Thanks Danno I do not use netbeans just Ant script for my build. So any way to set the javaFX Deploy ant script to tell the pkg file to deploy to the applications folder?

Thanks Again,

On Sunday, June 15, 2014 3:36 PM, Danno Ferrin <danno.ferrin at> wrote:

On Jun 15, 2014, at 11:32 AM, Tony Anecito <adanecito at> wrote:

Thanks Danno I figured there might be new arguments. And also thanks for working on making it easier for all of us.
>I did notice that the pkg file created did not install into the applications folder. How does one get it to do that? Is there a new argument for that also?

This is the “SystemWide” argument, which IIRC netbeans sets to false by default, this is NetBeans doing and not the packager.  I still don’t understand why they invert that default.  And it’s a pain to configure.

On your project, RMC and select properties.  Go to build/deployment and turn on the advanced JavaFX properties.  There is a scary dialog about changing the project files format.  Save a backup first.

Now it re-loads the project.  Go to the same dialog and about 2/3 of the way down is a checkbox “Install Permanently,” check it.

If you use the CLI or the Ant files w/o NetBeans help it is set to system wide by default, it is the JavaFX project (which makes sensible decisions for a webstart-centric app) that makes things confusing.

>On Sunday, June 15, 2014 9:48 AM, Mike Hearn <mike at> wrote:
>Does the new bundler still create DMGs as well?
> <AppName>-<version>-MAS.pkg where the -MAS variant is for Mac App Store, this will show up in next weeks build.
>Could I suggest -AppStore instead of -MAS, which is a rather opaque acronym. 

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