Testing accessibility / sample apps
Jann Schneider
jann.schneider at googlemail.com
Mon Jun 23 10:50:07 UTC 2014
Hi Felipe,
i tried with the latest available EA build, java -version tells me:
java version "1.8.0_20-ea"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_20-ea-b19)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 25.20-b19, mixed mode, sharing)
Also i used Jaws 15 (-.0.9 i think) and as an alternative NVDA 14.2.
Hum, not quite sure about the narrator tool: i guess thats the one
that shipps with windows? Well i can try this too though i'm not
really used to it :)
Maybe it's better to just wait until the code is back and test with
the current sources.. So we have the same base and know exactly what
we expect for the tests.
Regards Jann
2014-06-21 5:16 GMT+02:00, Felipe Heidrich <felipe.heidrich at oracle.com>:
> Hi Jann,
> That is great that you got to build JavaFX, it will make much easier to test
> patches and fixes going forward.
> That said, assuming that you downloaded jdk1.8.0_20 b19 or less,
> accessibility should have worked.
> What is the output of java -version ? Can you try Narrator ?
> I’ll put the code back early next week, either Monday or Tuesday.
> You can track the progress here:
> https://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-37536
> I’ll email the list when the code is out.
> Regards,
> Felipe
> On Jun 20, 2014, at 4:00 PM, Jann Schneider <jann.schneider at googlemail.com>
> wrote:
>> ok i just rebuild using the 32 bit jdk and this works!
>> $ gradle clean sdk
>> ...
>> :-)
>> I think i've just installed the 32 bit C++ compilers only. Maybe i
>> missed a setting in the installer of visual studio .. btw. i build
>> with the VS 2010 express (as suggested at the wiki).
>> So i'll wait until the accessibility portion is back in the repo and
>> try with that included then. Thanks for your help so fahr!
>> @Steve: could you please send a short message to the list if the
>> accessibility sources are in the repo again?
>> Regards
>> Jann
>> 2014-06-20 23:50 GMT+02:00, Jann Schneider
>> <jann.schneider at googlemail.com>:
>>> Yes looks like i have an issue with looking up cl.exe.
>>> This was the output when running with --stacktrace:
>>> * Exception is:
>>> org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task
>>> ':fxpackager:buildJavaPackager'.
>>> ...
>>> Caused by: org.gradle.api.GradleException: Could not call
>>> NativeCompileTask.compile() on task ':fxpackager:buildJavaPackager'
>>> ...
>>> Caused by: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException:
>>> org.gradle.process.internal.ExecException: A problem occurred starting
>>> process 'command 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio
>>> 10.0/VC/BIN/amd64/cl.exe''
>>> ...
>>> Caused by: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "C:/Program Files
>>> (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0/VC/BIN/amd64/cl.exe" (in directory
>>> "D:\jann\sandbox\java\openjfx\modules\fxpackager"): CreateProcess
>>> error=2, Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden
>>> ...
>>> Caused by: java.io.IOException: CreateProcess error=2, Das System kann
>>> die angegebene Datei nicht finden (file not found)
>>> Actually cl.exe is located at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual
>>> Studio 10.0\VC\bin - but it looks for ...bin/amd64/cl.exe
>>> I've also tried to run the build from the cygwin terminal and as well
>>> from the visual studio command prompt where i could call cl.exe
>>> directly .. Always the same result.
>>> Is there a parameter to specify where theVS compiler and stuff is
>>> located? btw. i checked that the %VS100COMNTools% variable is set
>>> properly.
>>> What else could i check? Thanks in advance :)
>>> Jann
>>> 2014-06-20 23:30 GMT+02:00, Kevin Rushforth
>>> <kevin.rushforth at oracle.com>:
>>>>> * What went wrong:
>>>>> Execution failed for task ':fxpackager:buildJavaPackager'.
>>>>> Could not call NativeCompileTask.compile() on task
>>>>> ':fxpackager:buildJavaPackager'
>>>> When I've seen this in the past it's been related to the compiler
>>>> install. Do you have VS 2010 SP1 or something else?
>>>> -- Kevin
>>>> Jann Schneider wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Well on windows it's always a bit more difficult i guess :-)
>>>>> After setting up my build environment as described on the wiki i first
>>>>> tried
>>>>> $ gradle tasks
>>>>> This works as expected! When running
>>>>> $ gradle sdk
>>>>> or just gradle without any target i get the following error:
>>>>> FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
>>>>> * What went wrong:
>>>>> Execution failed for task ':fxpackager:buildJavaPackager'.
>>>>>> Could not call NativeCompileTask.compile() on task
>>>>>> ':fxpackager:buildJavaPackager'
>>>>> Is this a "known issue" and do you know what's going wrong here?
>>>>> Should i post more "info" or "debug" output, too?
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Jann
>>>>> 2014-06-20 21:58 GMT+02:00, Stephen F Northover
>>>>> <steve.x.northover at oracle.com>:
>>>>>> Being non-Unix, Windows is always a pain.
>>>>>> Steve
>>>>>> On 2014-06-20, 3:42 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
>>>>>>> I hope you have similar success with the Windows build.
>>>>>>> -- Kevin
>>>>>>> Jann Schneider wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>> The build instructions for linux where very good! I was able to
>>>>>>>> build
>>>>>>>> the project without any problems.
>>>>>>>> Regards Jann
>>>>>>>> 2014-06-20 19:27 GMT+02:00, Kevin Rushforth
>>>>>>>> <kevin.rushforth at oracle.com>:
>>>>>>>>> To be clear, you will still use the 8u-dev repo at the existing
>>>>>>>>> URL:
>>>>>>>>> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/openjfx/8u-dev/rt
>>>>>>>>> It's just that after Monday the repo will "become" the place where
>>>>>>>>> 8u40
>>>>>>>>> work is done.
>>>>>>>>> Regarding the build, it is a bit painful to set up for Windows,
>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>> too bad as long as you don't need to build WebKit. We would be
>>>>>>>>> interested in hearing whether the instructions on the Wiki are
>>>>>>>>> sufficient for you to get the build working.
>>>>>>>>> -- Kevin
>>>>>>>>> Stephen F Northover wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Ok, let us know how you get on with building FX.
>>>>>>>>>> NOTE: The accessibility code is not there in 8u20 so you will
>>>>>>>>>> just
>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>> ensuring that you can build on Windows (there is nothing there to
>>>>>>>>>> test). The accessibility code will be going back into 8u40 on
>>>>>>>>>> Monday
>>>>>>>>>> or Tuesday so you'll need to get that release at that time and
>>>>>>>>>> build
>>>>>>>>>> it instead when it becomes available. It's good to debug the
>>>>>>>>>> build
>>>>>>>>>> process though because it can be painful building from source.
>>>>>>>>>> Steve
>>>>>>>>>> On 2014-06-20, 12:43 PM, Jann Schneider wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>>> @Steven: thx for the links. I'll try to build the openjfx
>>>>>>>>>>> project
>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>> the windows 7 notebook and test the sample apps with NVDA then.
>>>>>>>>>>> Today i tried the latest ea of jdk1.8.0_20 and sample apps with
>>>>>>>>>>> nvda
>>>>>>>>>>> 14.2. Unfortunately i was not able to read anything except the
>>>>>>>>>>> window
>>>>>>>>>>> title.
>>>>>>>>>>> I've just installed the jdk, changed my JAVA_HOME and tried to
>>>>>>>>>>> run
>>>>>>>>>>> e.g. the ensemble.jar
>>>>>>>>>>> $ java -jar ensemble.jar -Djavafx.accessible.force=true
>>>>>>>>>>> Well i'll try it again by means of building javafx from source
>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>> post my results back to the list.
>>>>>>>>>>> Regards Jann!
>>>>>>>>>>> 2014-06-20 14:46 GMT+02:00, Stephen F Northover
>>>>>>>>>>> <steve.x.northover at oracle.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Jann!
>>>>>>>>>>>> As soon as the 8u40 repos open, the Accessibility code will be
>>>>>>>>>>>> put back
>>>>>>>>>>>> along with the recent fixes for JAWS. Since OpenJFX (and the
>>>>>>>>>>>> JDK) does
>>>>>>>>>>>> not have nightly builds, unless you want to wait for an EA
>>>>>>>>>>>> build
>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>> 8u40
>>>>>>>>>>>> or 9, you will need to get OpenJFX and build it. This is
>>>>>>>>>>>> really
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> best way to work with the team anyway because you can get fixes
>>>>>>>>>>>> as they
>>>>>>>>>>>> are made. EA builds take a while to come out and there is no
>>>>>>>>>>>> substitute
>>>>>>>>>>>> for running on the latest code base.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Unfortunately due to Microsoft, building OpenJFX is a bit
>>>>>>>>>>>> harder
>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>> Windows. However, it is doable and the build instructions
>>>>>>>>>>>> should
>>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>>>> complete. If they are not (and if you hit any problems),
>>>>>>>>>>>> please
>>>>>>>>>>>> post
>>>>>>>>>>>> back to this list.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Here are the build instructions:
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/OpenJFX/Building+OpenJFX
>>>>>>>>>>>> Many committers use an IDE (you don't have to) and OpenJFX is
>>>>>>>>>>>> supports
>>>>>>>>>>>> the three major IDE vendors:
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/OpenJFX/Using+an+IDE
>>>>>>>>>>>> Looking forward to working with you,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Steve
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2014-06-19, 7:10 PM, Felipe Heidrich wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Jann,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Unfortunately Linux support is not in the plan for 8u40.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Windows 7 is supported and we have recently fixed JAWS support
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (see
>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-37530 and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-37609).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Unfortunately due to the 8u20 to 8u40 transition the code has
>>>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>>> being
>>>>>>>>>>>>> released yet, but soon.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The majority of our testing was done using Narrator. That
>>>>>>>>>>>>> said,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I also
>>>>>>>>>>>>> tested NVDA lastest version on Windows 8 and I didn’t see any
>>>>>>>>>>>>> major
>>>>>>>>>>>>> problems.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On the Mac we tested with VoiceOver.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Felipe
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jun 19, 2014, at 2:24 PM, Jann Schneider
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <jann.schneider at googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello all,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As a blind java developer i'm interessted in testing the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accessibility of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JavaFX and maybe help to find some issues.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've just set up my build environment on my ubuntu 14.04
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> laptop
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> checked out the project files as described in the wiki. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> could
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also set
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it up on a windows 7 with Jaws 15 and NVDa (don't know what
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> current
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> version is) for comparison..
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No i am wondering if there are some examples i could try?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards Jann
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