API enhancement request to make stage respect scene's min size

Martin Sladecek martin.sladecek at oracle.com
Thu Jun 26 11:27:21 UTC 2014

Hi Robert,
I think this is the JIRA issue you are looking for: 

This might be a good candidate for 8u40 actually...


On 06/26/2014 01:10 PM, Robert Krüger wrote:
> Hi,
> right now, I am doing this to prevent stage windows to be resizable in
> a way that cuts off their contained scene's content:
>          final Scene scene = new Scene(pane);
>          stage.setScene(scene);
>          stage.setTitle(getClass().getSimpleName());
>          stage.sizeToScene();
>          // ensure that the window can not be resized to smaller than
> the minsize of its scene
>          Runnable updateMinSize = () -> {
>              stage.setMinWidth(scene.getRoot().minWidth(scene.getHeight()));
>              stage.setMinHeight(scene.getRoot().minHeight(scene.getWidth())
>          };
>          stage.setOnShown((e) -> updateMinSize.run());
>          stage.widthProperty().addListener((obs, oldVal, newVal) ->
> updateMinSize.run());
>          stage.heightProperty().addListener((obs, oldVal, newVal) ->
> updateMinSize.run());
>          stage.show();
> This feels somewhat odd (and the constant for window decoration's
> height is ugly but maybe I am missing the clean way to retrieve it)
> for something that should be a common requirement (in all of our
> applications it is usually considered a bug when a window/dialog does
> not enforce this).
> Shouldn't there be a method like
> stage.setRespectContentMinSize(boolean respect) or something similar?
> Am I missing something obvious that is already there?
> Thanks for any insights.
> Robert

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