CSS Font size in points doesn't match Node.Font.Size

David Grieve david.grieve at oracle.com
Wed Mar 5 14:59:00 PST 2014

Everyone should just accept that there is no such thing as a 'point' in 
JavaFX. Work in pixels and you will achieve nirvana.

On 3/5/14, 5:49 PM, Pedro Duque Vieira wrote:
> Here is the definition of point:
> http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_units.asp
> As Jeff is saying it should be 1/72 inch.
> I think this should be the default. Isn't the introduction of modena
> potentially going to break more apps than changing the definition of point?
> Aren't breaking apps making use of a bug that they shouldn't be taking
> advantage of in the first place?
> That being said, and if changing the default point definition is not really
> possible, being able to change this through a global settings property so
> that node matches CSS, sound like a reasonable workaround.
> Thanks!

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