March 2014 Archives by subject
Starting: Sat Mar 1 18:09:16 UTC 2014
Ending: Mon Mar 31 22:20:58 UTC 2014
Messages: 449
- *PropertyBase vs Simple*Property
Tom Schindl
- *PropertyBase vs Simple*Property
Richard Bair
- *PropertyBase vs Simple*Property
Stephen F Northover
- *PropertyBase vs Simple*Property
Kevin Rushforth
- *PropertyBase vs Simple*Property
Tomas Mikula
- *PropertyBase vs Simple*Property
Tom Schindl
- *PropertyBase vs Simple*Property
Tom Schindl
- *PropertyBase vs Simple*Property
Tomas Mikula
- *PropertyBase vs Simple*Property
Tom Schindl
- *PropertyBase vs Simple*Property
Kevin Rushforth
- *PropertyBase vs Simple*Property
Tom Schindl
- *PropertyBase vs Simple*Property
Tom Schindl
- *PropertyBase vs Simple*Property
Tom Schindl
- 8u20 review request: RT-35058 - Zoomy gets texture lock errors on ARM
Jim Graham
- 8u20 review request: RT-35635: new bundlers for fxpackager
Danno Ferrin
- 8u20 review request: RT-35635: new bundlers for fxpackager
Dmitry Cherepanov
- 8u20 review request: RT-35635: new bundlers for fxpackager
Anthony Petrov
- 8u20 review request: RT-35635: new bundlers for fxpackager
Mark Fortner
- 8u20 review request: RT-35635: new bundlers for fxpackager
Danno Ferrin
- 8u20 review request: RT-36208: Exception using grayscale icon
Jim Graham
- [8u20] API request: missing property for PieChart.Data's node
Martin Sladecek
- [8u20] Review request for RT-16923: The various addListener methods should throw NPE if a null listener is passed in, rather than throwing NPE when the listener list is iterated
Vadim Pakhnushev
- [8u20] Review request for RT-20434: Image loading in j2d incorrectly handles gray scale
Vadim Pakhnushev
- [8u20] Review request: RT-21702 - [Touch, Windows] MouseEvents generated from touch-screen action have isSynthesized() == false
Chien Yang
- [8u20] Review request: RT-35197: Use Lambda in FX runtime and samples
Stephen F Northover
- [8u20] Review request: RT-35197: Use Lambda in FX runtime and samples
Stephen F Northover
- [8u20] Review request: RT-35197: Use Lambda in FX runtime and samples
Stephen F Northover
- [8u20] Review request: RT-35197: Use Lambda in FX runtime and samples
Kirill Kirichenko
- [8u20] Review request: RT-35197: Use Lambda in FX runtime and samples
- [8u20] Review request: RT-35197: Use Lambda in FX runtime and samples
Anthony Petrov
- [8u20] Review request: RT-35197: Use Lambda in FX runtime and samples
Anthony Petrov
- [8u20] Review request: RT-35197: Use Lambda in FX runtime and samples
Stephen F Northover
- [8u20] Review request: RT-35197: Use Lambda in FX runtime and samples
Stephen F Northover
- [8u20] Review request: RT-35197: Use Lambda in FX runtime and samples
Stephen F Northover
- [8u20] post-commit review: RT-36265: Disable robot tests by default for developers
Kevin Rushforth
- [8u20] post-commit review: RT-36314: JavaFX API javadoc has wrong link to JDK docs
Kevin Rushforth
- [8u20] post-commit review and heads-up: RT-35955: Mac: Intermittent build failures in task graphics:ccMacFontT2K
Kevin Rushforth
- [8u20] review request:
Kevin Rushforth
- [8u20] review request:
David Hill
- [8u20] review request: RT-35019: [3D] NPE in NGShape.renderContent when drawing empty shapes
Kevin Rushforth
- [8u20] Review request: RT-35197: Use Lambda in FX runtime and samples
Stephen F Northover
- [8u20] review request: RT-36189: [JFXPanel] SecurityException in PlatformUtil when running SwingInterop with security manager
Kevin Rushforth
- [8u20] Review request for RT-34283: [Swing] Drag&Drop with interop on Mac OS X between two processes does not transfer data
Anthony Petrov
- [8u20] Review request for RT-35025: Scene turns black sometimes.
Vadim Pakhnushev
- [8u20] Review request for RT-35263: Win: Crashing VM in a JavaFX 3D app reading and writing STL files
Anthony Petrov
- [8u20] Review request for RT-35681: Rendering difference between platforms when specular map is used
Vadim Pakhnushev
- [8u20] Review request for RT-36235: Zero specular power can lead to rendering artifacts.
Vadim Pakhnushev
- [8u26] Review request: RT-35245 [Monocle] EGL setup for Freescale i.MX6
Lisa Selle
- [8u6] Review request : RT-35619 IMX6-SDP / Yocto hard float : crash while running hello.HelloComboBox
Lisa Selle
- [8u6] Review request : RT-35619 IMX6-SDP / Yocto hard float : crash while running hello.HelloComboBox
Rafi Tayar
- [8u6] Review request : RT-35619 IMX6-SDP / Yocto hard float : crash while running hello.HelloComboBox
Kevin Rushforth
- [8u6] Review request : RT-35619 IMX6-SDP / Yocto hard float : crash while running hello.HelloComboBox
Kevin Rushforth
- [8u6] Review request : RT-35619 IMX6-SDP / Yocto hard float : crash while running hello.HelloComboBox
Rafi Tayar
- [8u6] review request: RT-34982 IMX6 - cursor image is seen even though a mouse is not plugged in
Lisa Selle
- [8u6] Review request: RT-36387: [IMX, Lens] Black rectangle seen instead of cursor on first run after reboot
Lisa Selle
- [8u] Review request: RT-37033, CSS warnings (related to MenuItem)
David Grieve
- [8u] reveiw request: RT-36308 Mouse sometimes jumps to edge of screen on first mouse move
Lisa Selle
- [8u] Review request: RT-34950: [Media] JavaFx Player on MAC Crashes Application When Playing Specific Video
anton nashatyrev
- [8u] Review request: RT-34950: [Media] JavaFx Player on MAC Crashes Application When Playing Specific Video
Kirill Kirichenko
- [8u] Review request: RT-34950: [Media] JavaFx Player on MAC Crashes Application When Playing Specific Video
Kevin Rushforth
- [8u] review request : RT-35618 IMX6-SDP / Yocto hard float : hello.HelloButton : the highlighting blue rectangle is missing the bottom blue line in each of the top two buttons
Rafi Tayar
- [8u] review request: RT-36141: Gtk: SecurityException using WebView when running app with security manager
Kevin Rushforth
- [8u] review request: RT-36197: Create regression tests that run JavaFX apps with a security manager
Kevin Rushforth
- [8u] review request: RT-36232: [Quantum] SecurityException on exit when running any FX program with security manager
Kevin Rushforth
- [8u] Review request: RT-36360 [Monocle] Slight refactor; cache native display in java instead of native code
Lisa Selle
- [8u post-commit notification] RT-36272: "WARNING: Could not resolve" messages from CSS
David Grieve
- [8u Review Request] RT-35864: Button's events are not working in a ListView
David Grieve
- [8u Review Request] RT-36808: items added to AreaChart have no symbol
David Grieve
- [announce] FXMisc: umbrella project for various JavaFX-related projects.
Tomas Mikula
- Ability to decorate ChangeListener
Mario Ivankovits
- Ability to decorate ChangeListener
Tomas Mikula
- Ability to decorate ChangeListener
Tomas Mikula
- Ability to decorate ChangeListener
Mario Ivankovits
- Ability to decorate ChangeListener
Kevin Rushforth
- Ability to decorate ChangeListener
Mario Ivankovits
- Ability to decorate ChangeListener
Kevin Rushforth
- Ability to decorate ChangeListener
Mario Ivankovits
- Ability to decorate ChangeListener
Tomas Mikula
- Ability to decorate ChangeListener
Mario Ivankovits
- Ability to decorate ChangeListener
Tomas Mikula
- Ability to decorate ChangeListener
Martin Sladecek
- Ability to decorate ChangeListener
Mario Ivankovits
- Ability to decorate ChangeListener
Tomas Mikula
- Ability to decorate ChangeListener
Mario Ivankovits
- Ability to decorate ChangeListener
Martin Sladecek
- Ability to decorate ChangeListener
Mario Ivankovits
- Ability to decorate ChangeListener
Tomas Mikula
- Ability to decorate ChangeListener
Stephen F Northover
- Ability to decorate ChangeListener
Mario Ivankovits
- Accessibility in OpenJFX: The Saga Continues
Stephen F Northover
- ACTION REQUIRED: check your openjfx/8u-dev/rt repo
Kevin Rushforth
- ACTION REQUIRED: check your openjfx/8u-dev/rt repo
Danno Ferrin
- ACTION REQUIRED: check your openjfx/8u-dev/rt repo
Kevin Rushforth
- Adding GStreamer plugins
Michael Berry
- Adding GStreamer plugins
Scott Palmer
- Adding GStreamer plugins
Michael Berry
- Adding GStreamer plugins
Michael Berry
- Adding GStreamer plugins
anton nashatyrev
- Adding GStreamer plugins
Kirill Kirichenko
- Adding GStreamer plugins
Michael Berry
- Adding GStreamer plugins
Kirill Kirichenko
- Adding GStreamer plugins
Stephen F Northover
- Adding GStreamer plugins
Michael Berry
- Adding GStreamer plugins
Richard Bair
- Adding GStreamer plugins
Jonathan Giles
- Adding GStreamer plugins
Michael Berry
- Adding GStreamer plugins
David DeHaven
- Adding GStreamer plugins
Michael Berry
- Adding GStreamer plugins
Kirill Kirichenko
- Adding GStreamer plugins
Kirill Kirichenko
- Adding GStreamer plugins
Stephen F Northover
- Adding GStreamer plugins
Kirill Kirichenko
- Adding GStreamer plugins
Michael Berry
- Adding GStreamer plugins
Kirill Kirichenko
- Adding GStreamer plugins
Michael Berry
- Adding GStreamer plugins
Kirill Kirichenko
- Backwards compatibility broken: Why was Color made final
Randahl Fink Isaksen
- Backwards compatibility broken: Why was Color made final
Martin Sladecek
- Backwards compatibility broken: Why was Color made final
Kevin Rushforth
- Blog post: Trigger processing after a period of inactivity
Tomas Mikula
- Build Errors on Windows 8.1 / VS2010 Pro / JDK 1.8.0-b132
Kay McCormick
- Build Errors on Windows 8.1 / VS2012 Pro / JDK 1.8.0-b132 [was: Build Errors on Windows 8.1 / VS2010 Pro / JDK 1.8.0-b132]
Kay McCormick
- Build Errors on Windows 8.1 / VS2012 Pro / JDK 1.8.0-b132 [was: Build Errors on Windows 8.1 / VS2010 Pro / JDK 1.8.0-b132]
Kevin Rushforth
- Build Errors on Windows 8.1 / VS2013 Pro / JDK 1.8.0-b132 [was: Build Errors on Windows 8.1 / VS2010 Pro / JDK 1.8.0-b132]
Kevin Rushforth
- Build Errors on Windows 8.1 / VS2012 Pro / JDK 1.8.0-b132 [was: Build Errors on Windows 8.1 / VS2010 Pro / JDK 1.8.0-b132]
Artem Ananiev
- Build Errors on Windows 8.1 / VS2012 Pro / JDK 1.8.0-b132 [was: Build Errors on Windows 8.1 / VS2010 Pro / JDK 1.8.0-b132]
Kevin Rushforth
- Build Errors on Windows 8.1 / VS2012 Pro / JDK 1.8.0-b132 [was: Build Errors on Windows 8.1 / VS2010 Pro / JDK 1.8.0-b132]
Stephen F Northover
- Building and using a debug build of openjfx as the default JavaFX for development
Kay McCormick
- Building and using a debug build of openjfx as the default JavaFX for development
John Smith
- Building and using a debug build of openjfx as the default JavaFX for development
Stephen F Northover
- Building OpenJFX and OpenJDK 8u20
Matthias Bläsing
- CircularPane
Tom Eugelink
- CircularPane
Gerrit Grunwald
- Congratulations
Johan Vos
- Congratulations
Felix Bembrick
- Congratulations
Richard Bair
- Congratulations
ngalarneau at ABINITIO.COM
- Congratulations
Richard Bair
- Create ContextMenu in Task
Peter Penzov
- CSS Font size in points doesn't match Node.Font.Size
Jeff Martin
- CSS Font size in points doesn't match Node.Font.Size
Tom Schindl
- CSS Font size in points doesn't match Node.Font.Size
Jeff Martin
- CSS Font size in points doesn't match Node.Font.Size
Felipe Heidrich
- CSS Font size in points doesn't match Node.Font.Size
Jeff Martin
- CSS Font size in points doesn't match Node.Font.Size
Pedro Duque Vieira
- CSS Font size in points doesn't match Node.Font.Size
Felipe Heidrich
- CSS Font size in points doesn't match Node.Font.Size
Felipe Heidrich
- CSS Font size in points doesn't match Node.Font.Size
Jeff Martin
- CSS Font size in points doesn't match Node.Font.Size
Tom Schindl
- CSS Font size in points doesn't match Node.Font.Size
Kevin Rushforth
- CSS Font size in points doesn't match Node.Font.Size
David Grieve
- CSS Font size in points doesn't match Node.Font.Size
Stephen F Northover
- CSS Font size in points doesn't match Node.Font.Size
Pedro Duque Vieira
- CSS Font size in points doesn't match Node.Font.Size
David Grieve
- CSS Font size in points doesn't match Node.Font.Size
Tom Schindl
- CSS Font size in points doesn't match Node.Font.Size
Stephen F Northover
- CSS Font size in points doesn't match Node.Font.Size
Felipe Heidrich
- CSS Font size in points doesn't match Node.Font.Size
David Grieve
- CSS Font size in points doesn't match Node.Font.Size
Phil Race
- CSS Font size in points doesn't match Node.Font.Size
Felipe Heidrich
- CSS Font size in points doesn't match Node.Font.Size
David Grieve
- Drag and Drop Doesn't work in JFXPanel on MacOSX
Jeff Martin
- EasyBind: custom bindings made easy (with lambdas)
Tomas Mikula
- EasyBind: custom bindings made easy (with lambdas)
Richard Bair
- Error in tablevie ghost error
- Error in tablevie ghost error
Jonathan Giles
- file attachment in Jira
Pedro Duque Vieira
- file attachment in Jira
Stephen F Northover
- Glass Robot and getSCreenCapture
David Hill
- Glass Robot and getSCreenCapture
Anthony Petrov
- Glass Robot and getSCreenCapture
Daniel Blaukopf
- Glass Robot and getSCreenCapture
David Hill
- Glass Robot and getSCreenCapture
Jack Moxley
- Glass Robot and getSCreenCapture
Stephen F Northover
- Glass Robot and getSCreenCapture
Scott Palmer
- Glass Robot and getSCreenCapture
David Hill
- Glass Robot and getSCreenCapture
Stephen F Northover
- Glass Robot and getSCreenCapture
David Hill
- Glass Robot and getSCreenCapture
David DeHaven
- Glass Robot and getSCreenCapture
Stas Smirnov
- Gradle 1.11 (and < 1.8) will now fail fast with a clear error [was: TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task ':web:compileGeneratedWin']
Kevin Rushforth
- Gradle 1.11 (and < 1.8) will now fail fast with a clear error [was: TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task ':web:compileGeneratedWin']
Stephen F Northover
- hg: openjfx/2u/dev/rt: Added tag 2.2.60-b09 for changeset 53d0f8119d8c
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8/master/rt: Added tag 8.0-b131 for changeset 4ef7286b9266
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8/master/rt: Added tag 8.0-b132 for changeset e2fd0ac9762b
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 3 new changesets
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 4 new changesets
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [DOC] Improve fxml documentation about class instances.
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [TEST-ONLY] [RT-36035] remove lens check from EGalaxTest.testDoubleClick2
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [TEST-ONLY] change TestBase to initialize toolkit in @BeforeClass method
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [TOYS-ONLY] Add HelloDatePicker to toys
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [TOYS] HelloFonts, correcting table cell handling to get rid of bogus error msg
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Complete work for RT-35243. Cursor now works, rendering works.
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: ECLIPSE ONLY: fix .classpath
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Fix RT-35058: ES2 texture lock warnings in CanvasTest/Zoomy on ARM
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Fix RT-35452: Canvas does not allow missing initial movetos
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-11175: PrismSettings.isVsyncEnabled is not taken into consideration during prism-d3d initialization
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-16923: Toolkit addListener methods should ignore null listeners
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-34099: ColorPicker needs localization support
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-35197: Use Lambda in FX runtime and samples [experiments: 3DViewer, Modena]
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-35197: Use Lambda in FX runtime and samples [media]
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-35197: Use Lambda in FX runtime and samples [swt]
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-35778: Packager should use closed source version of deployment toolkit
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-35978 changing unltimate fallback for fonts when fontconfig is not present (embedded devices)
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36000 Move 3DViewer and Modena from experiments to samples
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36002: Defender method used in SelectedCellsMap
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36005: [Linux] Provide support for prerm script for Debian package
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36038: [DND] FX sometimes forgets to invoke Node.onDragDetected() on Mac
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36087 JavaBeanProperty: memory leak?
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36088 [Popup] Wrong popup positioning on subsequent calls
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36094 javac warning No SupportedSourceVersion annotation
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36100 [Layout] Ensemble8 ChoiceBox control starts out at smaller size
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36105 [Charts] PieChart.Data NodeProperty
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-8628: JPEGImageLoader_decompressIndirect has incorrect text in exception message.
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: TESTS ONLY: Work around Eclipse JDK8 compiler problem
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: While lambdifying 3DViewer, it was discovered that it no longer finds loaders when launched from the IDE. This fix looks for a well known set of loaders after first trying to load them from an external jar.
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/2u/dev/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/2u/dev/rt: Added tag 2.2.60-b12 for changeset c1541c2d6a96
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 11 new changesets
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 136 new changesets
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- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
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- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
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- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
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- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
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- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
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- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
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- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
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- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
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- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
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- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
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- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
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- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
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- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
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- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
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- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
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- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
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- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
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- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 3 new changesets
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- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 3 new changesets
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- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 3 new changesets
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- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 3 new changesets
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- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 3 new changesets
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- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 4 new changesets
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- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 4 new changesets
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- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 5 new changesets
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [A11y] rt-36268 initial win accessible impl
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [Accessibility, Win] Accessibility Crash on Windows due to bad order of View objects
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [Accessibility] cosmetic changes
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [Accessibility] cosmetic code change, move getAccessible(Node) to super class.
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [Accessibility] fix comment format
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [Accessibility] fix names
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [Accessibility] improve JNI code
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [Accessibility] RT-36399, change original fix to burn the tree from the bottom up.
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [Accessibility] Show Menu action support
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [Accessibility] Tree clean up, implement expand/collapse for windows, remove Attribute.NEXT_SIBLING, PREVIOUS_SIBLING, remove TreeCell ugly helpers, use indices on the same currency
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [DOC ONLY] RT-32340: Update javadoc for MenuBar
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [TEST-ONLY] fix compilation error in builder tests after change to TraversalEngine
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [TEST-ONLY] ignore Node_cssStyleMap_Test until failure can be resolved
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Backed out RT-20642 changeset c42d31058266
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Fixed RT-36178: Printing: Scene is not printed when blending is used.
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Fix for RT-35245 [Monocle] EGL setup for Freescale i.MX6 - implements prism es2 on monocle on imx. Currently this is not the default, it can be activated by using runtime flags -Djavafx.platform=monocle -Dembedded=monocle.
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Fix for RT-36308 [IMX] Mouse sometimes jumps to edge of screen on first mouse move.
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Fix for RT-36360 [Monocle] Slight refactor; cache native display in java instead of native code.
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Fix RT-36208: Exceptions with grayscale icon on Stage
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Follow-on for RT-36330 to print the supported gradle version on failure
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: INTELLIJ ONLY: remove deploy as it does not compile cleanly
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Remove two asserts from Node inadvertently left in with changeset for RT-36272
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-20642: Instead of trying to pouplate a Map as styles are found during state transition, just have a routine that will find the styles, as discussed with Jerome
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-24614: in equals method, if both values are strings, compare them with String equalsIgnoreCase
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-26235: SplitPane in JFXPanel: Mouse cursor not changed
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-29629: redirect navigation control mouse events to behavior.
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-31075: Date picker fails with LocalDate.MAX and LocalDate.MIN values.
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-32459: CMD-BACKSPACE should delete the line to the left of the caret, not the word (Mac)
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-32460: TextArea: Wrong behavior of CTRL-DOWN on Windows
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-34283: [Swing] Drag&Drop with interop on Mac OS X between two processes does not transfer data
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-34667: Mac: PickTest3D appears washed out
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-34852: [2D traversal, RTL] Some behavior classes are confusing the semantics of left & right in RTL mode.
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-34973: TextArea: the next line is selected when triple clicking the last word of a line.
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-35197: Use Lambda in FX runtime and samples [web]
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-35263: Win: Crashing VM in a JavaFX 3D app reading and writing STL files
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-35619 : IMX6-SDP / Yocto hard float : crash while running hello.HelloComboBox
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-35635: allow MAS packaging test to attempt if a valid set of certificates is found
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-35635: app store test broke build server. Ignore it for now.
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-35635: new bundlers for fxpackager
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-35635: new bundlers for fxpackager - missed two files
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-35681: Rendering difference between platforms when specular map is used
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-35864: do not call updateItem unless the index has changed
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-35891: TreeTableView cells are not in parameterised CellTest class
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-35955: Mac: Intermittent build failures in task graphics:ccMacFontT2K
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36065 [ScrollPane] Focus traversal to the first or last item does not make the ScrollPane to scroll to that item
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36068: if animating, add item to plot children in onFinished handler of first KeyFrame.
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36139 [TableColumn] Inconsistent behaviour when resizing the last nested column on the right
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36163: Cannot build JavaFX using JDK 8u20 or JDK 9
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36169 javac performance regression due to addition of FXML annotation processor
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36189: [JFXPanel] SecurityException in PlatformUtil when running SwingInterop with security manager
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36197: Create regression tests that run JavaFX apps with a security manager
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36216 - Open-source the WebTerminal app
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36230: [Accessibility] New accessibility implementation
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36235: Zero specular power can lead to rendering artifacts.
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36238 [Ensemble8] SwingInterop throws IllegalStateException: Not on FX application thread
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36246: NPE on Node#localToScreen
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36255 Selecting TreeItem programatically expands collapsed Items
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36256 Using showAndWait in the onFinished EventHandler of an Animation doesn't work
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36264: SceneBuilder doesn't start since FX 8 u20 b04 [work around for In(Sanity) Testing]
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36265: Disable robot tests by default for developers
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36268 - initial context menu support for Mac
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36294 FXML binding on custom property in javafx8 not working, if that property created thrue constructor with no arguments
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36314: JavaFX API javadoc has wrong link to JDK docs
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36330: Gradle 1.11 fails to build JFX
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36332: if Stylesheet.loadBinary throws an IOException, make sure to try loading .css
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36371 GridPane ColumnConstraints Java 7 and 8 broken compatibility
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36375: Monocle, fix order of operations with Buffer in capture
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36387 [IMX, Lens] Black rectangle seen instead of cursor on first run after reboot.
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: SWT Glass: Return the window handle for the Shell (rather than the view handle)
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: T-34950: [Media] JavaFx Player on MAC Crashes Application When Playing Specific Video
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Various updates and improvements.
hang.vo at
- How to build 64-bit FX ?
Anthony Petrov
- How to build 64-bit FX ?
Kevin Rushforth
- How to build 64-bit FX ?
Anthony Petrov
- How to build 64-bit FX ?
Anthony Petrov
- How to build 64-bit FX ?
Kevin Rushforth
- How to build 64-bit FX ?
Tony Anecito
- How to build 64-bit FX ?
Kevin Rushforth
- Image by CSS and popup size
Tom Eugelink
- Image by CSS and popup size
Jeff Martin
- Is Quicktime API calls inside JavaFX?
Tony Anecito
- Is Quicktime API calls inside JavaFX?
Tony Anecito
- Is Quicktime API calls inside JavaFX?
David DeHaven
- Is Quicktime API calls inside JavaFX?
Tony Anecito
- Is Quicktime API calls inside JavaFX?
Stephen F Northover
- Is Quicktime API calls inside JavaFX?
Phil Race
- Is Quicktime API calls inside JavaFX?
Tony Anecito
- Is Quicktime API calls inside JavaFX?
Tony Anecito
- Is Quicktime API calls inside JavaFX?
David DeHaven
- Is Quicktime API calls inside JavaFX?
Stephen F Northover
- Is Quicktime API calls inside JavaFX?
Phil Race
- Is Quicktime API calls inside JavaFX?
David DeHaven
- Is Quicktime API calls inside JavaFX?
Stephen F Northover
- JavaFX on iOS and Android: any real world app?
Tobias Bley
- Lambda Lambda
Scott Palmer
- Lambda Lambda
Richard Bair
- Lambda Lambda
Scott Palmer
- Lambda Lambda
Scott Palmer
- Lambda Lambda
Richard Bair
- Lambda Lambda
Tom Schindl
- LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF when building under windows
Michael Berry
- LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF when building under windows
Kevin Rushforth
- LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF when building under windows
Michael Berry
- LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF when building under windows
Kevin Rushforth
- macosx fullscreen and window manager
Erik Colson
- macosx fullscreen and window manager
cogmission1 .
- macosx fullscreen and window manager
Erik Colson
- macosx fullscreen and window manager
Anthony Petrov
- macosx fullscreen and window manager
Michael Berry
- macosx fullscreen and window manager
Jasper Potts
- macosx fullscreen and window manager
Stephen F Northover
- Monadic operations on ObservableValue
Tomas Mikula
- Moved samples 3DViewer and Modena from experiments to samples
David Hill
- No split-cursor inside JFXPanel
Werner Lehmann
- Node.impl_getMatchingStyles
- Node.impl_getMatchingStyles
Kevin Rushforth
- Node.impl_getMatchingStyles
David Grieve
- Node.impl_getMatchingStyles
- No split-cursor inside JFXPanel
Anthony Petrov
- No split-cursor inside JFXPanel
Werner Lehmann
- Opacity in Image.getPixelReader.getColor()
Tom Schindl
- Opacity in Image.getPixelReader.getColor()
Jasper Potts
- Opacity in Image.getPixelReader.getColor()
Gerrit Grunwald
- Opacity in Image.getPixelReader.getColor()
Kevin Rushforth
- Opacity in Image.getPixelReader.getColor()
Tom Schindl
- Opacity in Image.getPixelReader.getColor()
Jim Graham
- Poor font rendering..
Pedro Duque Vieira
- Poor font rendering..
Stephen F Northover
- Poor font rendering..
Felipe Heidrich
- Poor font rendering..
Pedro Duque Vieira
- Poor font rendering..
Robert Fisher
- Poor font rendering..
Scott Palmer
- Poor font rendering..
Felipe Heidrich
- Poor font rendering..
Phil Race
- Poor font rendering..
Scott Palmer
- Poor font rendering..
Phil Race
- Poor font rendering..
Scott Palmer
- Poor font rendering..
Phil Race
- Poor font rendering..
Phil Race
- Poor font rendering..
Felipe Heidrich
- Poor font rendering..
Scott Palmer
- Poor font rendering..
Pedro Duque Vieira
- Poor font rendering..
Phil Race
- Poor font rendering..
Jim Graham
- Poor font rendering..
Robert Fisher
- Poor font rendering..
Felipe Heidrich
- AW: Poor font rendering..
Robert Fisher
- Poor font rendering..
Felipe Heidrich
- Poor font rendering..
Robert Fisher
- Poor font rendering..
Felipe Heidrich
- Proposal on getting warning free (controls) packages
Tom Schindl
- Proposal on getting warning free (controls) packages
Jonathan Giles
- Proposal on getting warning free (controls) packages
David Grieve
- Proposal on getting warning free (controls) packages
John Hendrikx
- ReactFX, UndoFX, RichTextFX in Sonatype repository
Tomas Mikula
- recognizing gestures
Johan Vos
- recognizing gestures
Seeon Birger
- recognizing gestures
Johan Vos
- Review for font fallback change RT-35978
David Hill
- review: RT-36246: NPE on Node#localToScreen
Felipe Heidrich
- Review request: RT-36238, [Ensemble8] SwingInterop throws IllegalStateException: Not on FX application thread
Martin Sladecek
- review RT-36230: [Accessibility] New accessibility implementation
Felipe Heidrich
- RFR: RT-36178: Printing: Scene is not printed when blending is used.
Phil Race
- SceneBuilder Integration in NetBeans
Sven Reimers
- SceneBuilder Integration in NetBeans
Sven Reimers
- SceneBuilder Integration in NetBeans
Petr Pchelko
- SceneBuilder Integration in NetBeans
Sven Reimers
- SceneBuilder Integration in NetBeans
Petr Pchelko
- SceneBuilder Integration in NetBeans
Sven Reimers
- SceneBuilder Integration in NetBeans
Kevin Rushforth
- SceneBuilder Integration in NetBeans
Sven Reimers
- SceneBuilder Integration in NetBeans
Eric Le Ponner
- SceneBuilder Integration in NetBeans
Sven Reimers
- SceneBuilder Integration in NetBeans
Eric Le Ponner
- SceneBuilder Integration in NetBeans
Sven Reimers
- SnapCode JavaFX Fun
Jeff Martin
- TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task ':web:compileGeneratedWin'
Leonid Popov
- TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task ':web:compileGeneratedWin'
Kevin Rushforth
- TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task ':web:compileGeneratedWin'
Stephen F Northover
- TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task ':web:compileGeneratedWin'
Leonid Popov
- TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task ':web:compileGeneratedWin'
Kevin Rushforth
- TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task ':web:compileGeneratedWin'
Stephen F Northover
- TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task ':web:compileGeneratedWin'
Kevin Rushforth
- Transparency and drop-shadow
Robert Fisher
- Transparency and drop-shadow
Jim Graham
- URGENT: please do not pull changes from openjfx/dev/rt
Kevin Rushforth
- Using JavaFX deploy and having signing issues...
Tony Anecito
- Using JavaFX deploy and having signing issues...
Tony Anecito
- Using JavaFX deploy and having signing issues...
Jeff Martin
- Using JavaFX deploy and having signing issues...
Danno Ferrin
- Using JavaFX deploy and having signing issues...
Richard Bair
- Using JavaFX deploy and having signing issues...
Tony Anecito
- Using JavaFX deploy and having signing issues...
Danno Ferrin
- Using JavaFX deploy and having signing issues...
Tony Anecito
- Using JavaFX deploy and having signing issues...
Tony Anecito
- Using JavaFX deploy and having signing issues...
Mark Fortner
- Using JavaFX deploy and having signing issues...
Stephen F Northover
- Using JavaFX deploy and having signing issues...
Tony Anecito
- WebEngine PolicyClient
Harshad RJ
- WebEngine PolicyClient
Harshad RJ
- webrev for arm FB screen capture
David Hill
- Weekly sanity testing / code freeze rules
Kevin Rushforth
Last message date:
Mon Mar 31 22:20:58 UTC 2014
Archived on: Mon Mar 31 22:21:06 UTC 2014
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).