Poor font rendering..

Felipe Heidrich felipe.heidrich at oracle.com
Wed Mar 12 17:03:35 UTC 2014

On Mar 11, 2014, at 1:57 AM, Robert Fisher <rfisher at tesis.de> wrote:

> Suppose I want to see what GDI, SWT-like text looks like in JavaFX. I should set -Djavafx.text=t2k. But looking at the picture (http://i.imgur.com/CGyckge.png) it still seems there is some additional blurring in JavaFX. Some additional sub-pixel positioning logic, perhaps?


See GlyphCache#addDataToQuad(), in the isLCDCache case,
dx1 = Math.round(dx1 * 3.0f) / 3.0f;

Later in /graphics/src/main/jsl-prism/PaintTextureSecondPassLCD.jsl
that dx1 (which was rounded to .0, 0.33, 0.66) is used to offset the pixel color RGB values to produce the sub pixel image.

Rounding that dx1 to pixel (like GlyphCache does for grayscale text), then I would expected -Djavafx.text=t2k and SWT to look very similar.


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