
Felix Bembrick felix.bembrick at
Wed Mar 19 12:05:35 UTC 2014

I totally agree with Johan except that I would say that JavaFX is not only
the way to write *Java* client applications but is a way to *rewrite*
client applications developed using any language or technologies because it
is simply the best GUI toolkit out there, especially when you consider that
it comes with the enormous and vast functionality available as standard in
the Java platform and libraries.

JavaFX is a *killer* technology.  I have surveyed all other options for
cross-platform application/app development and nothing else stacks up.
 It's that simple.

And over time, it's advantage over HTML5 for example will only grow.  And,
who wants to use any language other than Java (or a JVM language)?  C++ or
Objective-C anyone?  Not me!

So yes, a big THANK YOU to Richard and his team and everyone at Oracle and
all the other individuals and 3rd parties who have contributed to getting
JavaFX (and Java) to where it is today.

You guys/gals should be really proud :-)

On 19 March 2014 22:25, Johan Vos <johan at> wrote:

> Hi,
> I hate sending non-technical messages to a technical mailinglist. But for
> this special occasion, I'm making an exception.
> I am extremely glad and relieved that JavaFX has made its way into the
> mainstream Java distribution. JavaFX is now the way to write Java Client
> applications, and there is no going back. (next todo for the whole
> community: increase the number of Java Client Apps ;))
> Big congratulations to the whole JavaFX team, and all the early users,
> customers and supporters. Thank you.
> - Johan

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