TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task ':web:compileGeneratedWin'

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
Fri Mar 21 14:47:12 UTC 2014

This was a gradle 1.4 bug that is fixed in 1.8: 

Leonid just happened to be running an older gradle.

-- Kevin

Stephen F Northover wrote:
> Was this gradle 1.8 or a problem with an EA version of JDK8?  In any 
> case, update both.  If you can't, doing a clean every time should work 
> but that's not the long term answer.
> Steve
> On 2014-03-21 5:49 AM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
>> Are you using gradle 1.8? This looks like a bug we used to have with 
>> prior versions of gradle.
>> -- Kevin
>> Leonid Popov wrote:
>>> Hi, I updated my workspace recently, tried to build it and have got 
>>> the following exception. Any suggestions?
>>>  FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
>>>  * What went wrong:
>>>  Execution failed for task ':web:compileGeneratedWin'.
>>>  > java.lang.ClassFormatError: Invalid Constant Pool entry Type 18
>>>  * Exception is:
>>>  org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for 
>>> task ':web:compileGeneratedWin'.

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