Adding GStreamer plugins

Jonathan Giles jonathan.giles at
Tue Mar 25 23:47:03 UTC 2014

Typically in this case you would email the patch to the assigned 
developer, but it appears RT-18009 is unassigned at present. I think 
that is the first hurdle that needs to be resolved, but if you email me 
your patch I will attach it to the jira issue so that it is at least 
available for others.


-- Jonathan

On 26/03/2014 12:39 p.m., Michael Berry wrote:
> Hi all,
> Turns out it was a stupid mistake on my part causing the last few linking
> errors, I hadn't added one of the C files I needed to the makefile (well I
> had, but I'd then reverted it again without realising!) Thanks to all for
> the prods and advice.
> Once I'd done that, the build went through without a hitch - and then it
> was just a case of making the relevant additions to the native code to
> register the MKV type and create a pipeline from it using the plugin. This
> wasn't hard to work out at all; I've since tried several test files in MKV
> format (with AAC audio) all of which play in MediaPlayer without a hitch!
> I mainly wanted to do this as a personal exercise, though I'd imagine this
> is a useful piece of functionality for many others also - so should I
> submit a patch of the changes, or is this unlikely to be accepted? (Again,
> sorry for the perhaps obvious question, I'm rather new to this.) I've had a
> look at the code review process and it seems to suggest adding a patch to
> the relevant JIRA issue for those who don't have commit access (in this
> case 18009), but I don't seem to have permission to do that either?
> Thanks,
> Michael
> On 25 March 2014 17:01, Stephen F Northover <steve.x.northover at>wrote:
>> On 2014-03-25 7:00 AM, Kirill Kirichenko wrote:
>>> Hi Michael.
>>> See my comments inline.
>>> On 24.03.2014 04:31, Michael Berry wrote:
>>>> I'm now a bit further along with this, though struggling to get the
>>>> matroska plugin to compile (getting a bunch of unresolved external symbol
>>>> errors for functions it uses in glib - not entirely sure why at the
>>>> moment,
>>>> as I said C is not my strong point.) I've also noticed the plugins
>>>> currently bundled have quite a few changes to the gstreamer version, and
>>>> I
>>>> can't quite work out the logic behind why things have been changed the
>>>> way
>>>> they have - so even after the compilation issue is resolved I'm now less
>>>> confident that it will just drop in and work! Again, if someone
>>>> knowledgeable in this area that's lurking in the shadows could shed any
>>>> light on any of this, it would be hugely appreciated.
>>> We did some changes in existing GStreamer code because it had errors and
>>> because we needed to expand some functionality. The changes are not very
>>> extensive.
>>>   However, putting the current problems aside for a bit, the snags I hit up
>>>> until this point could I think be relatively easily addressed in the
>>>> documentation. With that in mind could I suggest a few additional points
>>>> for the wiki? These may be obvious to the majority reading here, but as
>>>> someone completely new to building JFX they had me stumped for a while!
>>> I can give you some directions. There is no wiki. I'd appreciate if you
>>> created one.
>>>     - It turns out that the Gstreamer stuff doesn't compile at all by
>>>> default,
>>>> which is why I wasn't seeing any changes on the native level. To ensure
>>>> GStreamer is actually compiled, you need to copy the
>>>> file to, and uncomment the
>>>> "#COMPILE_MEDIA = true" line. (A similar scenario would appear to exist
>>>> for
>>>> any webkit alterations as per the line above.)
>>> You don't need to comment/uncomment anything. Just add
>>> -PCOMPILE_MEDIA=true to the gradle command line. You can however change the
>>> properties file too.
>>>     - As well as the requirements listed, I needed the Windows SDK (
>>>> installed
>>>> for
>>>> GStreamer to compile successfully under Windows (7) - without it cygpath
>>>> just threw a rather confusing error.
>>> You need windows 7.1a SDK and speaking precisely you need only samples
>>> from it because samples have BaseClasses at Samples/multimedia/directshow/baseclasses.
>>> BaseClasses are used for Oracle direchshowwrapper plugin.
>>>     - The developer workflow page (
>>>> refers
>>>> to  "-Djavafx.ext.dirs" - I think this should be "-Djava.ext.dirs"
>>>> instead?
>>> What are you gonna use it for ?
>> I updated the page and got rid of the BINARY_STUB reference that is no
>> longer needed.
>>>   I'm happy to make the above changes myself but unsure of if / where you
>>>> can
>>>> sign up for an account, so I'm just throwing them here for now - if
>>>> anyone
>>>> could point me to the right place then that'd be great!
>>> Steve. Can you give an advice ?
>> If you are looking to contribute (when you get to a good place), the
>> process is well known and is followed by the everyone.
>>>   If I do ever manage to get this working (ha-ha) I'd also like to throw
>>>> up a
>>>> wiki page just detailing how to grab a gstreamer plugin and make the
>>>> necessary changes to it to compile it into openjfx as a stop gap to then
>>>> perhaps working on one or both of the above JIRA issues and seeing where
>>>> I
>>>> get - does this sound reasonable?
>> Only committers can edit the wiki right now.  It is possible to become an
>> Author and write to the wiki, but I would be happy to publish your recipe
>> when you are happy with it.
>>   It does.
>>>   On Mar 22, 2014, at 9:26 PM, Michael Berry <berry120 at> wrote:
>>>>>>> However, I'm not sure if I'm going about including the matroska plugin
>>>>>> in
>>>>>>> the right way - I've currently done the following:
>>>>>>> - Downloaded the latest version of the plugins from here (
>>>>>>>, then added
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> matroska one to the modules/media/src/main/native/gstreamer/plugins/
>>>>>>> folder, as well as the
>>>>>>>   modules/media/src/main/native/gstreamer/gstreamer-lite/gst-plugins-good/gst/
>>>>>>> folder (I'm unsure of this - should I add it to both these folders?).
>>>>>> Well you see. If you download the latest matroska plugin it
>>> potentially can have dependencies on the latest GStreamer platform. We
>>> don't have/use the latest gstreamer. The version we use is 0.10.35. And the
>>> latest available is 1.x. They are incompatible in some methods.
>>>   - Added all the C files from the first folder mentioned above to the
>>>>>>> plugins.vcxproj file
>>>>>>> - Added the relevant files and directory to Makefile.gstplugins
>>>>>>> - Called the additional relevant plugin_init() function in
>>>>>>> gstplugins-lite.c
>>>>>> There is one more thing you need to do here for Windows only apart
>>> from running gradle with -PCOMPILE_MEDIA=true. Windows build system has
>>> files that export symbols
>>> 1) from glib-lite.dll ${jfxroot}/rt/modules/media/
>>> src/main/native/gstreamer/3rd_party/glib/glib-2.28.8/build/
>>> win32/vs100/{glib-lite.def|glib-liteD.def}
>>> Here the version with "D" is used for debug build and may contain more
>>> symbols for export.
>>> 2) from gstreamer-lite.dll ${jfxroot}/rt/modules/media/
>>> src/main/native/gstreamer/projects/win/gstreamer-lite.def - used for
>>> both Release and Debug.
>>> If your plugin uses some methods of gstreamer/glib libraries not
>>> mentioned in the files you should add the methods to the files. Syntax is
>>> pretty simple. If you don't add depending methods to these files you will
>>> get linker errors. C/C++ compiler will not generate errors.
>>> Actually I think the best way to start developing/improving the Media
>>> component is to upgrade GStreamer to 1.x from 0.10.35. It would be a very
>>> good starting point and you would get less or no problems using the latest
>>> available plugins. If someone wanna take over this I can explain in details
>>> how to do it.
>>> K

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