Adding GStreamer plugins
Kirill Kirichenko
kirill.kirichenko at
Mon Mar 31 08:52:31 UTC 2014
Hi Michael
On 28.03.2014 23:40, Michael Berry wrote:
> Hi Kirill,
> Ok, so with help from here ( I
> think I've now got a VS project / makefile that builds libffi.lib, but I
> can't work out how to get the build script to build the visual studio
> project!
> The project is in modules\media\src\main\native\vs_project\libffi, and
> I've updated FXMedia.sln to include it - this builds ok, but the
> makefile then expects the object files in
> modules\media\build\native\win\Release\obj\3rd_party\libffi-lite (I
> deliberately kept this structure for consistency with the other
> projects), and I can't seem to work out where in the script they're
> copied across from the visual studio project (I feel like this should be
> the easy bit of this step!)
FXMedia.sln is there just for debugging purposes. I wanted to switch to
NetBeans C/C++ project for native code. You shouldn't consider the MSVS
Solution as the build tool. Main build tools are makefiles. So start
with the makefile and then fine tune the FXMedia.sln.
So now what you need is to create a Makefile in
by copying if from Makefile.glib for example. Then you should edit this
new Makefile.libffi accordingly:
2) You may need to change COMPILER_FLAGS but generally they are ok.
3) Carefully change CFLAGS to what the vanilla build system uses. Here
you can watch for output log and take those flags. Remember I told you
to try to build with MSVS. That's why it's important - we build it all
with MSVC not with gcc in Windows.
Then you need to edit Makefile in the same directory:
4) Add LIBFFI_TARGET with the target library name, and update MODULES
variable (add LIBFFI_TARGET to it). See GLIB_TARGET for example.
5) Add dependent target for LIBFFI_TARGET at the bottom of the file. See
If you feel you want give it a try. Open cygwin, go to rt ant type:
$ gradle clean
$ gradle -PCOMPILE_MEDIA=true :media:buildWinGlib
This should catch libffi changes.
Once you successfully do it you should be able to build
rt\modules\media\build\native\win\{Release|Debug}\libffi.lib or whatever
you assign at #4
After this step you can remove all files that don't participate in build
and leave only source/headers. Just like glib.
> If I copy them there manually it works and builds libffi-lite.lib, but
> obviously this isn't ideal - if it's not too much hassle could someone
> point me at the relevant place?
> Many thanks,
> Michael
> On 27 March 2014 08:58, Kirill Kirichenko <kirill.kirichenko at
> <mailto:kirill.kirichenko at>> wrote:
> On 27.03.2014 03:53, Michael Berry wrote:
> Unfortunately I seem to have become a bit stuck at step one! I'm
> probably missing a few things that are rather obvious, but haven't
> really got much experience at all in this area, so am relying on
> haphazard Googling and a bit of guesswork! It may well be that
> updating
> the framework is a bit beyond my skillset for the time I have
> available
> at the moment, but I'll keep pushing on if anyone's willing to
> give me a
> bit of guidance on it.
> Yes. It's not trivial at all. You need to have enough patience to go
> through all the steps.
> Firstly libffi - I've downloaded that, put it in the 3rd_party
> folder,
> and have run "./configure", "make", then "make install" (all under
> cygwin.) That seems fine; so I've now got "libffi.a" (as well as
> "cygffi-6.dll") in "3rd_party\libffi\i686-pc-__cygwin\.libs".
> The challenge here is first to build libffi with Mircosoft C
> compiler and linker. Here at the first stage you should take libffi
> and put it somewhere separately from javafx. Then try to build it
> with VisualStudio. Once you succeed you should create a makefile in
> the manner of javafx makefiles for Media. As the result of this step
> you'll get a bunch of C/Header files, the makefile. Everything else
> can be deleted. The resulting makefile should be able to build
> libffi.lib - statically linked library.
> I've then grabbed glib 2.40, placed that in the glib folder, and
> attempted the same process - this first complained about a lack of
> libiconv, so I grabbed that and set the appropriate flags to
> point to
> it, and now I get the following:
> /configure: error: in
> `/cygdrive/c/Users/Michael/__Documents/JFX8/modules/media/__src/main/native/gstreamer/3rd___party/glib/glib-2.28.8':/
> /configure: error: The pkg-config script could not be found or
> is too
> old. Make sure it is in your PATH or set the PKG_CONFIG environment
> variable to the full path to pkg-config./
> /
> /
> /Alternatively, you may set the environment variables
> LIBFFI_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config./
> For GLib you can disable iconv in configure. This is the next step.
> Let's start with libffi first.
> I'm assuming this is something to do with the fact it can't find
> libffi,
> but I'm unaware of how to tell it that libffi is in the given
> folder!
> I'm also assuming that calling config / make etc. manually is
> the way to
> go for the time being - I think I'd be at even more of a loss
> trying to
> integrate it into the gradle build script.
> The reason for this to be "such non trivial" is/was the download
> size. We aimed the minimal possible download size. This is probably
> not an issue anymore and we can switch to simpler solutions like you
> originally did - download, unzip, run configure and here we go.
> K
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