ACTION REQUIRED: check your openjfx/8u-dev/rt repo

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Mon Mar 31 20:50:53 UTC 2014

To: All OpenJFX developers,

We have fixed the 8u-dev/rt repo to remove the 136 bad changesets that 
were mistakenly pushed.

If you have a clone of the 
repo and have pulled changesets any time in the last two hours, you must 
do the following:

1) Check to see whether you pulled any of the bad changesets:

    hg log -r 9eb3145c43ea

if it says something like: "abort: unknown revision '9eb3145c43ea'" then 
you are GOOD. Nothing more for you to do.

2) If the above hg log command reports the presence of the bad changeset:

changeset:   NNNN:9eb3145c43ea
user:        shemnon
date:        Wed Dec 11 13:45:41 2013 -0700
summary:     beanify the fields in BundleParams

then you must fix your repo. You must either "hg strip 9eb3145c43ea", 
which will strip the bad changeset along with its descendants, or you 
must re-clone your repo.

Let me know if you have any questions.

-- Kevin

Kevin Rushforth wrote:
> All OpenJFX devlopers:
> We need to rollback (or recreate) the openjfx/8u-dev/rt repo on 
> to remove some inadvertently pushed changesets. In 
> order to minimize problems we ask everyone to refrain from pulling 
> changes until I give the "all clear".
> -- Kevin

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